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Aggressive defense strategies against DUI charges in Ocean City

DUI stops are some of the most common situations in which Ocean City residents and law enforcement officials interact. Each year in Maryland thousands of people are charged with drunk driving offenses. And, in many cases, these arrestees are probably frightened and wondering what options they have to address the charges.

Aggressive stance to DUI charges

Some people may be so panicked by the prospect of being convicted of a DUI charge that they take the first option “out” of the situation, such as a plea bargain. While considering such an option may be valid in some cases, it is important to consider all other options as well. An aggressive stance to DUI charges may be the best option.

For example, law enforcement officials are required to follow certain procedures and policies when they are conducting a DUI stop. If these procedures and policies are not followed, there may be a way to get the DUI charge dismissed, or perhaps lowered to a different charge. Constitutional protections are also something to consider anytime an encounter between citizens and law enforcement officials takes place. If your constitutional rights were violated, this may be another avenue toward getting the DUI charge dismissed.

At our law firm, we understand that Maryland residents who are charged with DUI are oftentimes scared and looking for options. They need the right information. We do our best to help our clients consider all of their options to attempt to reach the right result in their own unique cases. For more information, please visit the DUI overview section of our law firm’s website.