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Can I Get a Security Clearance with an Alcohol-related DUI?

Many government jobs require a security clearance. A security clearance means that several elements of your background have been checked and there is nothing in your background that can be used to compromise you if you are handling confidential government material. Many people wonder if they can get a security clearance if they have a past conviction for a DUI.

The bottom line is: Yes, you can probably qualify for a security clearance. A DUI is a common crime and one drunk driving charge probably won’t be enough to disqualify you for the coveted classification.

Criminal records and alcohol consumption are some of the criteria used in the background search. During the security review process, the employer considers questions such as how long ago the DUI occurred; your age at the time of the DUI and whether there have been more recent arrests.

Of course, if you have a DUI in your past, you must have fully complied with the requirements issued by law enforcement and the courts regarding your Ocean City, Maryland DUI such as driving safety classes, drug and alcohol counseling, etc.

However, if there is more than one DUI in your background then you could face serious issues with obtaining a clearance. In instances of repeat alcohol-related DUIs, your impulse control and judgment will be questioned. Impulse control will relate to excessive drinking while judgment will relate to the decision to drive after drinking too much alcohol.

Being charged with a felony is one of the grounds for rejecting an application, but in most instances, an alcohol-related first-time DUI is a misdemeanor in Maryland.

When applying for a security clearance, don’t try to hide the DUI. List it in your background paperwork and be prepared to explain the circumstances surrounding the DUI conviction.

If you obtain a security clearance after a first conviction, remember that the clearance can be suspended if a second DUI mark appears on your record.

A DUI conviction is not a death sentence for obtaining a security clearance. Although being charged with an Ocean City DUI can make obtaining a clearance more difficult, driving under the influence does not automatically destroy your prospects for being approved.

An Ocean City, Maryland DUI security clearance attorney can answer your questions about obtaining a security clearance if you’ve got concerns about previous Ocean City drunk driving arrests and convictions. An Ocean City, Maryland DUI/DWI security clearance attorney will review your circumstances to determine how to take advantage of the security clearance application process to best handle your Ocean City DUI/DWI charges. The attorneys at Maronick Law LLC can help.

The office is open during the pandemic and will continue to meet your Glen Burnie, Annapolis, Baltimore, Essex, Ocean City, Towson, White Marsh DUI legal needs. The consultation is free.

We can meet with you remotely if you have access to Zoom. You can contact Thomas Maronick on his cellphone at 202.288.0167, the law office at 410.402.5571 or through the website for a free consultation.