Blog: Criminal Defense
- Open Alcohol Container Violation in Ocean City
Aug 12, 2024
Understanding Open Alcohol Container Laws and Penalties in Ocean City, Maryland Ocean City, Maryland takes public alcohol consumption seriously. Drinking alcoholic beverages in public is prohibited under the town’s code. This includes any alleyway, avenue, beach, parking lot, sidewalk, street and vehicle in any of these areas. A violation may result in an arrest. From 2003 to 2005, the Ocean City Police Department averaged 950 arrests per year for open container violations. What is an...Read More - Facing Criminal Charges in Maryland? Here's What You Need to Know This Summer
Aug 6, 2024
Criminal Defense Attorneys Represent Vacationers Charged With All Offenses in Ocean City and Throughout MD Getting charged with a crime that can have severe repercussions while on vacation can seem almost unimaginable. Unfortunately, our From major offenses to citations for local ordinance violations, these legal issues can do more than tarnish your travel experience. The initial arrest can ruin all of your plans. By the time you’re able to get out on bail, you’ve...Read More - Can A Shoplifting Charge Be Expunged in Maryland?
Aug 6, 2024
Yes. If you've been charged with shoplifting in Maryland, you may be wondering about the long-term consequences and whether it's possible to have the charge removed from your record. The good news is that in many cases, Maryland shoplifting charges can be expunged. However, the process and eligibility criteria depend on several factors. Shoplifting, under Maryland law, is categorized as theft. It’s defined as willfully or knowingly taking possession of goods or merchandise with the...Read More - Can I get a felony expunged in Maryland?
Jul 22, 2024
Yes. A Under previous Maryland law, removing a felony from your criminal record required a 15-year waiting period. The REDEEM Act slashed that timespan. Nonviolent felonies can be expunged after seven years. First-degree, second-degree burglary and felony theft convictions can be expunged after only 10 years. In some instances, expungements can be granted even earlier. For example, if you’re experiencing discrimination in obtaining employment, housing or getting into a college or trade...Read More - Under Investigation in Maryland? 10 Critical Steps You Need to Take Immediately
Jul 10, 2024
Facing a criminal investigation in Maryland can be a daunting and life-altering experience. Whether you’re being investigated for a misdemeanor or a more serious crime, the stakes are high. Acting wisely and swiftly can make a significant difference in the outcome of your case. At Maronick Law, our experienced 1. Stay Calm and Do Not Panic The first and most crucial step is to remain calm. Panic can lead to impulsive decisions that may...Read More - How is public intoxication defined in Maryland?
Jul 8, 2024
Public intoxication is a serious issue that can lead to various legal consequences. In Maryland, laws regarding public intoxication aim to maintain public safety and order. Knowing the specifics of these laws helps residents and visitors alike avoid unnecessary legal trouble. Definition of public intoxication Maryland law defines public intoxication as a person appearing in a public space under the influence of alcohol or drugs to the extent that they may endanger themselves...Read More - What is theft?
Jul 3, 2024
In Maryland the crime of theft is collectively categorized as “General Theft” in MD Code, Criminal Law, § 7-104. This statute covers what theft is and what the penalties are. Certain types of theft, such as the theft of motor vehicles, can be charged under this statute, but also have specific statutes relating to those crimes. Theft is when a person (1) intends to deprive the owner of the property; (2) willfully...Read More - What Reckless Endangerment?
Jul 1, 2024
Reckless endangerment is a crime codified under MD Code, Crim. Law § 3-204. It states: a) (1) (2) Reckless endangerment differs from similar crimes, such as assault, in that it does not require the prosecutor to prove intent. The prosecutor does not need to show that you intended to create a substantial risk of death or serious physical injury. All they need to show is that your conduct was “reckless.” ...Read More - Weird and Wacky Laws
Jun 24, 2024
We here at Maronick Law have sworn an oath to represent our clients with the utmost professionalism and to the best of our ability in defense of each person’s constitutional right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. We are, however, still ordinary people who like to have fun in our downtime. As such, we felt like it would be a good time to take a break from our typical posts stressing the seriousness...Read More - Mandatory Minimums
Jun 21, 2024
What are they? In this second blog post of our Mandatory Minimums series, we’ll be highlighting another category: crimes of violence. Remember, by definition, mandatory minimums require judges in cases in which the defendant has been convicted of certain offenses to impose a sentence of a term of imprisonment of at least the time specified in the related section of the Maryland Code. We already discussed firearm-related crimes in our first post. That...Read More