Blog: Criminal Defense
- What are the penalties for the Crime of First Degree Assault?
Jun 17, 2024
In Maryland First degree assault, codified under Md. Code, Crim. Law § 3-202, is Maryland’s felony assault statute. An act is considered first degree assault if a person intentionally causes or attempts to cause serious physical injury to another, a person commits an assault with a firearm, or a person intentionally commits an assault by strangling another. Let us look into each specific way a person can be charged with first degree assault. Serious...Read More - Mandatory Minimums: What are they?
Jun 6, 2024
In addition to being a useful vocal warmup if you’re about to do some public speaking, mandatory minimums are a somewhat controversial concept that can be encountered during the sentencing phase of a criminal case in Maryland. By definition, mandatory minimums require judges in cases in which the defendant has been convicted of certain offenses to impose a sentence of a term of imprisonment of at least the time specified in the related section...Read More - What penalties could I face for a voyeurism charge in Maryland?
May 30, 2024
When we hear the word “voyeurism,” our minds may turn to one of any number of depictions from movies over the past several decades in which a stereotypical teenage “nerd” is perched in a tree, using a pair of binoculars to spy on his crush undressing in her bedroom. Hijinks typically ensue, and the scene is played for laughs. In reality, however, voyeurism is an invasive crime, and the penalties associated with it are anything...Read More - What appears in a background check?
May 9, 2024
Seeking a new job or pursuing other major opportunities in life may require a background check. What these checks reveal depends on state and federal laws. Learning more about background checks can help you protect your rights and privacy. It is beneficial to understand what information can legally be disclosed about you and how you can potentially correct or dispute inaccuracies in your background report. Background checks Criminal history is a key...Read More - What To Do When There’s a Warrant For Your Arrest in Maryland
May 8, 2024
Facing the possibility of an arrest warrant can be a daunting experience. Whether you suspect there's a warrant out for your arrest in Maryland or you’ve been notified of one, understanding your options and knowing how to respond is crucial. This guide aims to provide clear, actionable steps to help you navigate this challenging situation, protect your rights, and minimize legal repercussions. Understanding Arrest Warrants in Maryland In Maryland, a judge or magistrate can issue...Read More - How do search warrants work?
Apr 17, 2024
Search warrants are an important aspect of the criminal justice system. They help protect citizens’ rights while allowing law enforcement to investigate potential crimes. As a citizen, you should understand how search warrants work and your rights when faced with a warrant. Understanding a search warrant A search warrant is law enforcement’s Obtaining a search warrant The police must present probable cause to a judge, demonstrating that there is...Read More - How criminal charges can affect college students
Apr 2, 2024
Maryland is a home of higher education with colleges including the University of Maryland and Johns Hopkins University. As they sometimes do, people attending college typically enjoy parties and living exciting lives. Unfortunately, something that began with good intentions could result in you getting arrested before you graduate. What happens immediately following an arrest Whether you’re a college student or not, the initial timeline after an arrest will generally be the same. After...Read More - Inaccurate roadside drug tests have led to wrongful arrests
Mar 18, 2024
About 1.5 million people are arrested on drug charges every year, and approximately 773,000 of them are taken into custody after a drug field test identified a substance in their possession as a controlled substance. Field drug testing kits are used by Maryland law enforcement agencies because they are easy to use and inexpensive. They are also highly unreliable. According to a report released by the University of Pennsylvania in January 2024, about 30,000 people...Read More - Maryland Dentist Pleads Guilty to Stealing Almost $9 Million Dollars from Medicaid
Mar 11, 2024
A Potomac, Maryland dentist has been sentenced for the According to a press statement from the Attorney General’s office, the dentist accomplished the “fraud scheme” by using the names, provider numbers and professional credentials of other dentists to submit invoices. The man was accused of submitting claims to Medicaid from 2015 to 2022. He allegedly used the name, Medicaid provider number, and credentials of his twin brother, younger brother, and nephew, all of...Read More - Organized retail theft stories based on inaccurate information
Mar 6, 2024
Maryland residents have likely seen or read media stories about an alarming rise in organized retail theft. These reports describe how criminal gangs are using online marketplaces to sell items stolen from stores. The basis for many of these media stories was a report released in 2022 by the National Retail Federation. In the report, the retail trade association said organized retail theft cost the industry $45 billion in 2021. The NRE has since retracted...Read More