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Blog: Criminal Defense

  • Court: Crime of Identity Theft Can’t Be Expunged

    Nov 10, 2022

    The circuit court made a mistake when it granted a Maryland woman’s request to get a conviction for identity theft expunged, according to a recent ruling from the Court of Special Appeals. The appeals court said the crime isn’t eligible for erasure from the records. Expungement requested The petitioner, Ms. H, pleaded guilty to one count of identity theft by obtaining personal identifying information in violation of Maryland law in 2012. The court...
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  • What is a Plea Agreement? (Video)

    Nov 9, 2022

    You’ll be able to keep up with the series here on our website, or on our Transcript Okay Mike, what is a plea agreement? A plea agreement is something in a case that is often advisable for some of our clients. Let me give you an example, when we get any sort of criminal case or serious traffic case, the first thing we do after talking to the...
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  • What is solicitation and how do you defend against it?

    Oct 20, 2022

    Solicitation is when one person has someone else commit crimes on their behalf. The individual is still guilty even though they never directly committed a crime in Maryland or elsewhere. What constitutes solicitation? The act of soliciting may come in the form of a direct request or even an outright demand. In other cases, the person can merely encourage another person to commit the crime. The specific criteria for The...
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  • Can I press charges against someone for false accusations?

    Oct 4, 2022

    Someone accuses you of a criminal act, whether they publish a statement on social media or file a police report, they can cause real harm to you. Obviously, the Maryland police will do their best to investigate allegations of criminal activity. They may question your family and neighbors and arrest you during that process. You may have even had to go to court to prove your innocence. Now that you have successfully demonstrated that...
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  • Why a PBJ may be the best result for your case

    Aug 24, 2022

    Everyone charged with a crime in Maryland is concerned about the potential outcome, especially those with no prior criminal record. These defendants in Maryland are prime candidates for a PBJ offer from the court, which is also known technically in the Maryland statutes as a “probation before judgment” court order. It is similar to a deferred judgment in other states. How PBJ works After defendants are arraigned in court, case negotiations begin. Almost...
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  • Penalties for violating Maryland implied consent laws

    Aug 10, 2022

    If Maryland authorities believe that you’re driving under the influence of alcohol, you may be asked to take a Breathalyzer or other sobriety tests. Although you have the right to refuse such a request, you may face a variety of penalties for doing so. Refusing a chemical test violates implied consent laws When you obtained your license, you agreed to submit to a blood, urine or Breathalyzer test if asked to do so...
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  • New Video Series! Ask an Attorney Featuring Michael Walls

    Jun 27, 2022

    We’re debuting the first two episodes of our new video series “Ask an Attorney”. You’ll be able to keep up with the series here on our website, or on our Introducing Attorney Michael Walls Transcript Hi, I’m Attorney Mike Walls from Maronick Law offices. We’re here to answer your questions! [Assistant] Alright Mike, how long have you practiced Criminal Law, and how much of your case load...
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  • Explaining the Penalties for Violating Ocean City’s “Special Event Zones”

    May 27, 2022

    We are proud to be a statewide Maryland law firm and to be the go-to criminal defense and DUI law firm, as the best-reviewed firm with a local office in Ocean City. We constantly are getting locals and visitors asking us about the “special event zones.” Why can you suddenly go to jail for certain offenses that may seem minor? Why are you paying a higher fine for something as seemingly tame as speeding? The...
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  • Stalking in Maryland Changed to Include Use of Digital Devices

    May 16, 2022

    Maryland lawmakers have updated the criminal definition of Stalking in Maryland is defined as “a malicious course of conduct that includes approaching or pursuing another” in a way that would place that person in reasonable fear. Under the old definition, stalking had to be in person and the targeted person was followed physically. The Gov. Larry Hogan Technology-based stalking can occur in a number of different ways. Advocates...
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  • What is a Maryland Plea Bargain?

    May 6, 2022

    A plea is a statement by a defendant where the accused admits guilt or innocence in response to criminal charges. If the defendant pleads “not guilty” then the case proceeds to trial. In many instances, however, the case will not go to trial. A plea bargain occurs when the defendant — with the advice of their Ocean City criminal defense attorney — and the prosecutor come to a deal. The Baltimore plea bargain will include...
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