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  • What is probable cause for a DWI in Maryland?

    Feb 8, 2021

    When a Glen Burnie area resident is pulled over for a DUI they can be scared and uncertain about their future. Everyone knows that a Reasonable suspicion In order for a police officer to pull someone over they must have reasonable suspicion. Swerving Weaving Erratic braking Driving above or below speed limit Drifting into other lanes Driving without headlights on Unexplained slowing or stopping...
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  • How to challenge a breathalyzer test

    Dec 28, 2020

    Preparing a defense against drunk driving charges in Ocean City is important because so much is on the line when drunk driving charges are involved. Accused drivers should be familiar with their options, including how to challenge a breathalyzer test if they find themselves facing drunk driving charges because of a failed breathalyzer test. Breathalyzer test challenges Breathalyzer tests Proper training Administered according to training Breathalyzer test used on list...
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  • As holiday season starts up, so do drunk driving incidents

    Nov 11, 2020

    As the holiday season starts up, it’s easy for drivers to find themselves in a position where they are drinking and driving. According to the National Highway and Safety Administration, drunk driving accidents increase during the holiday season. Starting Thanksgiving until New Year’s Day, there are more alcohol-related accidents than at any time of year. Nationally, over the past five years, 300 people on average died in drunk driving crashes the week between Christmas and...
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  • Aggressive defense strategies against DUI charges in Ocean City

    Sep 17, 2020

    DUI stops are some of the most common situations in which Ocean City residents and law enforcement officials interact. Each year in Maryland thousands of people are charged with drunk driving offenses. And, in many cases, these arrestees are probably frightened and wondering what options they have to address the charges. Aggressive stance to DUI charges Some people may be so panicked by the prospect of being convicted of a DUI charge that...
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  • Lack of probable cause as a DUI defense

    Sep 1, 2020

    The Fourth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution protects citizens from unreasonable searches and seizures. In the context of a DUI, this means that Reasonable suspicion As long as the officer has a reasonable belief that you have broken the law in some capacity, the need for reasonable suspicion will be met. While driving recklessly, driving at extremely slow speeds, or swerving between lanes may all indicate a possible DUI, an officer is...
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  • Maryland has harsh penalties for drunk drivers who kill someone

    Jul 16, 2020

    If an Ocean City area resident has been charged with impaired driving in Maryland for drug or alcohol consumption it can be a nerve-wracking time. Those who are facing these Those who are under the influence of drug or alcohol in Maryland and drive are at risk of severe penalties if they kill someone in an accident. Those who are convicted of vehicle homicide face jail time of up to five years. If...
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  • What are the penalties for a DWI charge in Maryland?

    Mar 16, 2020

    Maryland’s politicians are serious about cracking down on impaired driving. Each year they propose changes in the laws aimed at increasing the penalties for drunk and drugged driving. In 2019, Maryland lawmakers increased the penalties for those with Baltimore, Ocean City and Maryland repeat DUI and DWI convictions. In 2016, they made There are two basic drunk driving charges in Maryland – DUI and DWI. “DUI” stands for driving under the influence...
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  • What are the penalties for a DUI charge in Maryland?

    Mar 9, 2020

    If you’ve been charged with impaired driving in Maryland, whether it be from alcohol or drugs, then you’re probably wondering what kind of penalties you could be facing. Drinking and driving is a public safety issue. Vehicle accidents in Maryland in 2017 involving impaired drivers caused 188 fatalities and more than 3,200 persons were injured. But people are human, and, on more than one occasion, someone has a couple of drinks and then hits...
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  • Roadside noise, two officers speaking at same time, didn’t interfere with advising of Maryland DWI driver’s rights

    Feb 17, 2020

    Despite being distracted by one officer reading his rights and another officer asking questions, a Maryland motorist who was stopped for suspicion of driving while under the influence of alcohol (DWI) and who refused a blood alcohol concentration test was fully advised of his rights, Maryland’s top court has ruled. Maryland traffic stop In April 2018, a Maryland police officer observed Brian Barrett “commit multiple traffic violations, including driving above the posted speed...
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  • Court of Appeals rejects man’s argument that he was “sheltering” in vehicle and not DUI or DWI

    Feb 10, 2020

    Although a Maryland man’s argument that he was “sheltering” in his vehicle and not driving or attempting to drive it while parked near his ex-girlfriend’s house was successful before an administrative law judge and a circuit court, the state’s top court disagreed and found that a Caroline County police officer, upon smelling alcohol, had reasonable grounds to detain the man. The Court of Appeals held that the trooper who discovered John W. Pollard while...
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