- Is Maryland an implied consent state?
Jun 4, 2024
Maryland enforces a policy of “implied consent” in regard to testing for intoxication in motor vehicle drivers. This means that anyone who drives in Maryland automatically agrees to submit to chemical tests if a police officer suspects them of driving under the influence or while impaired by alcohol or drugs. These tests can include breath, blood or urine tests. The implied consent law aims to deter impaired driving and enhance road safety. How...Read More - Can voluntary alcohol treatment help after your first DUI charge?
Jun 4, 2024
A first-time DUI offense can be a wake-up call for many individuals. In Maryland, choosing voluntary alcohol treatment after a DUI can have several benefits. It helps address potential alcohol dependence and shows the court that the individual is taking responsibility for their actions. Benefits of voluntary alcohol treatment Voluntary alcohol treatment can provide a structured environment to address drinking problems. For some, a DUI may be the Additionally, seeking...Read More - What to Do Immediately After Being Pulled Over for DUI in Maryland
Jun 3, 2024
Being pulled over for a DUI (Driving Under the Influence) in Maryland can be an overwhelming and frightening experience. The decisions you make in these critical moments can significantly impact the outcome of your case. At Maronick Law LLC, we understand the stress and confusion that comes with a Stay Calm and Compliant When you see flashing lights in your rearview mirror, remain calm. Safely pull over to the side of the road, turn...Read More - What can raise BAC other than alcoholic drinks?
Jun 3, 2024
A traffic stop can be frightening. Even more concerning is when an alcohol breath test renders a positive result, especially when you have not been drinking. However, you are not necessarily without a valid defense against the charges. A key part of preparation is knowing the reasons these tests can provide misleading results and what can raise blood-alcohol content besides alcoholic beverages. How breath tests work Breath tests can only find signs...Read More - How to Expunge a DUI PBJ in Maryland: It Soon Can (Finally) Happen!
May 8, 2024
Since 1998, Maryland has taken a stand on DUI PBJs — probation before judgment — that prevents them from being expunged. Current Maryland law is that anyone with a DUI or DWI PBJ is not eligible for expungement. As a result, DUI offenders who have been offered a PBJ have been able to avoid conviction but have not had the benefit of expungement. A DUI PBJ would forever remain on their record, until now...Read More - Maryland Boating Safety Tips
May 7, 2024
The official start of the boating season in Maryland is just around the corner. Memorial Day is the first official day of boating in Maryland. Some, of course, are already enjoying Maryland’s waterways. Many boaters, however, are prepping their vessels. Boat prep should also include safety equipment. In 2020, Maryland had 155 reportable boating accidents. Sixty-four of the accidents resulted in injuries and six were fatal. This is better than 2019 when Maryland saw 144...Read More - Maryland Boating Penalties Will Increase This Summer
May 2, 2024
Boating under the influence (BUI) and boating while intoxicated (BWI) will come with stronger penalties under a The bill prohibits a person from operating a vessel on Maryland waters for up to two years if convicted of operating or attempting to operate a vessel while under the influence of alcohol. The time limit under existing law is, at most, one year. If the violation results in the death of another, courts may...Read More - How Prescription Medications Can Lead to a DUI Arrest in Maryland
May 1, 2024
Prescription medications are essential in managing various medical conditions. However, many individuals are unaware that legally prescribed medications can impair driving ability and potentially lead to a Understanding DUI Laws in Maryland In Maryland, DUI laws are stringent and apply to alcohol and any substance that impairs a driver's ability to operate a vehicle safely. According to Maryland law, a person can be charged with a DUI if they are found driving or attempting...Read More - New Maryland Law Will Have Disastrous Impact on DUI/DWI Cases and Commercial Drivers
Apr 29, 2024
Defendants in Maryland DUI/DWI cases will not be able to benefit from state laws allowing them to forego having an interlock ignition device installed in their vehicles under a law awaiting the governor’s signature. Currently, it’s up to the judge to decide, in many instances, whether the device should be installed. However, the new law requires that defendants install the interlock even in cases where the defendant gets probation before judgment (PBJ) or a...Read More - Maryland Lawmakers Strengthen Penalties for Drunk Drivers
Apr 22, 2024
Maryland lawmakers have strengthened the penalties for convicted drunk drivers. They eliminated a major loophole in the state’s ignition interlock law. The legislature recently approved a bill that will require Maryland drunk drivers to complete the Ignition Interlock System Program. The device will have to be in place for six months. The categories of drivers that must complete the interlock program will include: Those who receive probation before judgment (PBJ) for driving under...Read More