- Is a DUI charge always an indicator of a drinking problem?
Jul 25, 2023
It’s normal for adults to relax with a drink or two. However, a fun day or night can turn into a scary situation when you see a police officer’s flashing lights behind you. With each state, including Maryland, adopting per se laws, registering a BAC (blood alcohol level) of .08 or higher provides sufficient evidence for the police to charge you with a DUI. Maryland’s alcohol abuse assessments and programs In Maryland, the...Read More - Understanding how a breathalyzer test works is essential
Jul 20, 2023
If you consume alcohol, doing so in moderation is recommended, especially if you’ll be operating a motor vehicle in Ocean City or throughout Maryland. While it’s advisable to have a designated driver, there may be a situation when you’ve had an alcoholic drink and feel like you can drive your car safely. If you’re pulled over and given a breathalyzer test, you’ll need to have a blood alcohol content (BAC) that’s legal. Understanding how the...Read More - Operating a vehicle after a DUI charge
Jun 21, 2023
In Maryland, it is not uncommon to hear about someone getting pulled over for driving under the influence (DUI) of alcohol. Many people are sure that they will never find themselves in that position. However, whether a person was impaired when they got behind the wheel or a police officer made a mistake during the arrest, DUIs in Maryland are subject to aggressive prosecution, and a person can receive severe punishment if convicted. Ignition...Read More - Airline pilots can face legal and professional problems for a DUI
Jun 13, 2023
Driving under the influence in Ocean City, Maryland can cause a series of problems for the motorist. People will think of this in legal terms with the possibility of jail, fines and a driver’s license suspension. In some instances, it can hinder the person’s livelihood. This is particularly true for airline pilots. A pilot charged with DUI could face professional consequences Pilots who are charged with DUI It is important to...Read More - Rise in BWIs and BUIs Predicted for 2023 Boating Season
May 22, 2023
Operating any vehicle under the influence of drugs or alcohol is an absolute no-go. However, there’s an undeniable association between leisurely boating and beer among Maryland’s boating enthusiasts. With Memorial Day marking the start of Maryland’s boating season and the end of most pandemic restrictions, water lovers are predicting a surge in watercraft activity. Unfortunately, the pandemic period saw a 25% uptick in boating fatalities — a number that’s projected to rise even further...Read More - Which county in Maryland has the highest DUI/DWI conviction rates?
Jan 23, 2023
The county in Maryland that has the highest conviction rates for a charge of driving while intoxicated (DWI) or driving while under the influence (DUI) is Worcester County. The county includes Maryland’s summer resort town of Ocean City as well as the nearby towns of Berlin and Snow Hill. Data for 2019 DUI/DWI conviction rates was released by the University of Maryland’s National Study Center for Trauma and EMS in August 2020. The survey...Read More - Maryland State Police Conducting Field Sobriety Checkpoints, Lyft Credit Available
Dec 30, 2022
One of the constants of the winter holiday season are sobriety checkpoints by local and state law enforcement. Troopers from the Maryland State Police conducted a sobriety checkpoint shortly before Christmas and will conduct them throughout the holidays. Being careful about impaired driving is especially important in the Ocean City, Maryland area which has the highest conviction rate for DUIs and DWIs in the state. To provide a safe alternative to drivers getting...Read More - The effect of a DUI on your nursing career
Dec 27, 2022
It’s a crime to operate a vehicle under the influence of alcohol or drugs in Maryland. But did you know that a DUI can also have severe consequences for your nursing career? Nursing licenses are considered professional licenses and can be suspended or revoked by the Board of Nursing if someone is convicted of a DUI. This means that any nursing license holder with a DUI conviction may be unable to practice nursing. Even...Read More - The holiday season brings an increase in drunk driving incidents
Nov 2, 2022
We’re at the beginning of the holiday season and holiday revelry means that it’s easy for Ocean City drivers to find themselves on the road after a few drinks. According to the National Highway and Safety Administration, drunk driving accidents increase during the holiday season. Starting Thanksgiving until New Year’s Day, there are more alcohol-related accidents than at any time of year. While a charge of drinking while driving or driving under the influence shouldn’t...Read More - Reducing your risk of alcohol-related wrecks during the holidays
Oct 31, 2022
For many families, alcohol and holiday celebrations go hand in hand. Maybe you always share your dad’s favorite brand of beer with your siblings while watching a football game on Thanksgiving. Perhaps your grandfather is notorious for making the most dangerous eggnog in the county, and everyone old enough to drink has to finish a cup after dinner. Your family’s holiday celebrations that involve alcohol can be a source of many fond memories. However,...Read More