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Blog: Family Law

  • Four reasons to consider a postnup in Maryland

    Jun 18, 2021

    A postnuptial agreement could protect your interests if you were to divorce your spouse. The best time to write a postnup is when you and your spouse are on good terms. Here are some examples of reasons you may want a postnuptial agreement. 1. Wealth If you or your spouse are wealthy, then you might lose some of your wealth after a divorce without a postnup. Maryland 2. Children When...
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  • How divorce can improve finances

    Jun 14, 2021

    Everyone has heard divorce horror stories, especially regarding what a financial drain the process can be. However, divorce in Maryland sometimes leads to unexpected economic benefits. More control Money disagreements are a common reason for divorce. Unfortunately, even spouses who love each other might be financially incompatible. Though a divorce costs money up front, you can Whether your former spouse spent more than you preferred or spent too little, you no...
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  • Are you being distanced from your child by parental alienation?

    Jun 1, 2021

    Children are fragile and impressionable. That’s why we fight hard to help Glen Burnie parents protect the best interests of their children in What is parental alienation? Do you feel like your child has suddenly started being pit against you, unjustifiably criticizing you for no reason? If so, then your child’s other parent might be alienating you from your child. What are the signs of parental alienation? If you...
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  • How can a sleep divorce help a marriage?

    Apr 27, 2021

    How can a divorce help a marriage? Of course, a traditional divorce cannot help a marriage because, after all, it is the end of the marriage. Though, one particular kind of divorce may actually be able to help avoid a real divorce, it is called a What is a sleep divorce? Put simply, a sleep divorce only means that a couple does not sleep in the same bed. For each couple that...
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  • Navigating child custody issues in Ocean City

    Apr 22, 2021

    Divorcing parents in Ocean City may find it difficult to agree on the various issues that arise during the divorce process. For instance, many couples struggle to agree on issues relating to child custody and visitation. Courts will make decisions relating to Under Parents’ ability to put their differences aside and work together for the sake of the children. Each parent’s willingness and capacity to care for their children. ...
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  • Avoiding tax entanglements in divorce

    Mar 22, 2021

    When it comes to property division during a divorce in Maryland, being able to accept what is fair and balanced can be challenging. Clear-cut financial details concerning taxes in particular can get overlooked during divorce proceeding, and this may cause problems down the road. For residents of Glen Burnie and Ocean Park going through divorce, it can be advantageous to find skilled Equitable property division Maryland is an equitable division state,...
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  • Can mental health issues affect child custody and visitation?

    Feb 10, 2021

    Parents in Ocean City and the surrounding area often find themselves concerned about their children’s safety and well-being. This is readily apparent in the child custody context. Parental substance abuse, domestic violence, and parental alienation are very real issues that can have a profound impact on your child’s welfare. Mental health issues, too, can play a role. Given the prevalence of certain mental health conditions, you need to be informed about how these matters may...
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  • Tips for Ocean City couples considering a prenup

    Jan 6, 2021

    Young adults in Ocean City preparing to marry may assume they are so in love that they do not need to consider the possibility of divorce. However, this does not mean they should not consider executing a Do not wait until the last minute to execute a prenup When a couple becomes engaged, they should bring up the topic of a prenup early. No one wants to feel rushed into a prenup...
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  • Postnuptial agreements can benefit Ocean City couples

    Nov 19, 2020

    Ocean City residents who are engaged to be married may want to think about their financial future, including the possibility that their marriage may not last. For this reason, they may execute a prenuptial agreement before walking down the aisle. However, couples who failed to execute a prenup prior to marrying have another option: executing a Postnups are similar to prenups While postnups are entered into after a couple marries, and prenups...
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  • What types of child custody are available for Maryland parents?

    Oct 20, 2020

    Child custody agreements and orders can look very different based on the needs of children and families. Two couples may go through divorces in the same community and end up with significantly diverse custody orders from their family law courts. That is because courts are tasked with producing child custody plans that work to support the best interests of the children who will be governed by them. The goal of child custody proceedings is...
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