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DUI penalty in Maryland update

The traffic laws, along with other types of state laws, can change frequently. Of course, there’s a process that the legislative agencies must go through before the proposals turn into finalized laws. One law, in particular, concerns repeat offender DUI penalties in Maryland.

Changes to the DUI penalties in Maryland in 2023

The DUI penalties for repeat offenders in Maryland are set to become stricter after the Maryland Senate gave their initial approval back in February 2023. Previously, the penalties did increase for subsequent DUIs once an individual gets a conviction. The problem was that it only applied to the specific vehicle in use at the time of their DUI.

The new law would make it so that a boating DUI after a driving DUI would count as a second offense, and vice versa. This means that a person will be held accountable the same way for these types of offenses, which will mean stiffer penalties.

What the law means for repeat offenders

The exact penalties will depend on a few different factors. For instance, the first-time offense and subsequent offenses will result in a longer time in prison and/or larger fines if someone is convicted of driving under the influence of alcohol while transporting a minor.

The state did an analysis and determined that the change in repeat DUI penalties across the board for different types of vehicles doesn’t affect many cases. However, it does appear that the most significant impact is that sentences are sure to increase for those who receive a vehicular manslaughter conviction if they have DUIs on their record.

DUI cases can be complex and involve several factors. It’s important to understand your rights and the consequences of DUIs, especially since there are often updates to these laws.