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Even just planning to meet with a minor can get you in trouble

Social media has given people the tools they need to get in touch with their communities and even with strangers. However, one should be wary of who they get in contact with because of the risks involved.

An adult using the internet may be able to initiate conversation with someone who – whether they realize or not – claims to be a minor. As their interactions escalate, they may plan to meet up. This could put the adult at risk of sex crime charges.

These interactions can destroy someone’s life

If an adult gets in contact with a minor or someone claiming to be a minor and they arrange to see each other in person, things could go very wrong. This is true even if they do not actually physically meet.

Law enforcement could charge the adult in question with sexual solicitation of a minor. This is a very serious crime. In Maryland, individuals with such a case may be content with:

  • A felony conviction

  • Up to 10 years in prison, 20 for repeat offenders

  • A fine of $25,000, $50,000 for repeat offenders

  • Placement in Maryland’s Sex Offender Registry

These consequences and even just allegations related to it can permanently impact someone’s life. However, there are ways to prevent the risks.

Be careful online

An adult who is an avid user of the internet should be wary of who they get in contact with in order to protect themselves from accusations. They can try:

  • Asking for someone’s age before interacting with them

  • Ending interactions with individuals who claim to be minors

  • Refusing physical meetups

  • Using social media platforms that have an age limit

It is important to be aware that law enforcement often creates fake accounts to pretend to be minors in order to entrap adults who interact with them.

Individuals should be wary of their behavior online. Knowing the risks may help someone prepare for the consequences, and it may be wise to seek the guidance of a legal professional.