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Explaining ignition interlock devices

Each year, thousands of people are charged with DUI in Maryland, many in the Ocean City area. When convicted of a DUI, you can face any number of consequences, from fines to court-ordered therapy and classes to jail time. And frequently, you may need to have an ignition interlock device installed in your vehicle to regain your driving privileges.

In ignition interlock device, sometimes known as a car breathalyzer, is a device installed in your car that regulates whether it will turn on or not. To activate the device, you’ll need to breathe into it and not register any alcohol.

Installing and operating an ignition interlock device

If the court requires you to install an ignition interlock device after a DUI, that cost comes out of your pocket, and it’s relatively expensive. So, in a sense, an ignition interlock device acts as an additional fine beyond any other fines you might have incurred. The device is installed near the driver’s side of the vehicle, and it is about the size of a phone.

Important details to be aware of

An ignition interlock device will also make a log of your attempts to start up the vehicle. If you fail the test, this will be logged, and at some point, the authorities will view that log. You may face consequences for a failed test.

Also, keep in mind that the device requires something called “random retests”. At unpredictable intervals after you’ve started up your vehicle, the device may prompt you to conduct another test. The reason for this is to prevent someone from starting up the vehicle while sober and then drinking and driving under the influence.

In a random retest, you’ll be provided with a suitable interval to pull over, then must re-do the test. The device will log any failure at that point as well.