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Facing Criminal Charges in Maryland? Here's What You Need to Know This Summer

Criminal Defense Attorneys Represent Vacationers Charged With All Offenses in Ocean City and Throughout MD

Getting charged with a crime that can have severe repercussions while on vacation can seem almost unimaginable. Unfortunately, our criminal defense attorneys see this scenario play out each summer in Ocean City, MD, and other destinations throughout Maryland.

From major offenses to citations for local ordinance violations, these legal issues can do more than tarnish your travel experience. The initial arrest can ruin all of your plans. By the time you’re able to get out on bail, you’ve lost precious travel days.

Now you have potential court appearances hanging over your head, for which you could be forced to travel hours, not to mention hundreds of miles, just to appear. If you get convicted, you’re facing fines and potentially even jail time.

Having legal counsel who understands not only Maryland defense law but also the specific challenges travelers face can make all the difference. We’re here to set your mind at ease, make the legal process easier, and develop the strong defense that will be most effective in getting you a favorable outcome.

Helping Tourists Charged With Criminal Offenses

Maryland is home to some of the most popular vacation destinations in our region. The Ocean City boardwalk is well-known for its amusement rides, dining and shopping destinations, events, and, of course, oceanfront views. Our state parks, campgrounds, hiking trails, and historical sites also attract vacationers of all kinds.

Whatever your vacation plans, a criminal charge can disrupt not only your trip but also your life in the long term.

As experienced criminal attorneys, Maronick Law LLC has built a reputation for the defense we provide in high-profile boardwalk cases. What many travelers don’t know is how our firm can bring value to cases that, while smaller in scope, still pose significant consequences.

Maryland law enforcement agencies may be overzealous in their enforcement of local ordinances and other offenses, particularly in popular tourist destinations.

Examples of the types of violations we can help with include:

Of course, our attorneys also recognize that issues can sometimes escalate against your best intentions. We’re also prepared to help tourists confront more serious offenses, regardless of whether the situation occurred due to a dispute with a belligerent patron in a bar, a serious crash, or some other encounter that went wrong.

We represent clients against charges that involve:

When your summer vacation has gone horribly wrong, retaining knowledgeable legal counsel can help set things right. We know this isn’t how you planned your trip to go, and we’re committed to helping you deal with these complications and figure out the best path forward.

When Criminal Charges Threaten to Wreck Your Summer, We’re Here to Help

Many Maryland vacationers traveled a long way to spend their vacation here. We realize that you may not have the time off of work, the money, or the bandwidth to put your life on hold and travel all the way back here for a court date.

Depending on the nature of the case, you may be expected to appear multiple times throughout different proceedings, which only compounds the problem.

When representing clients in matters of out-of-state arrests, we recognize how important it is to make the legal process less onerous for you. That means striving to work out solutions that allow you to minimize the inconvenience of further travel just to appear in court.

Although each case is unique, our criminal defense attorneys have, on multiple occasions, been able to reach solutions that allow our out-of-state clients to avoid having to travel, appearing on their behalf to negotiate a favorable outcome for them.

What to Do After an Arrest or Criminal Charge on Your Summer Vacation

When you’ve encountered a criminal legal issue on your vacation, you need to act quickly.

Certain aspects of the legal process, like your initial appearance before a commissioner to review the charges against you and the bail review hearing, move fast. You’re going to want experienced legal guidance for these proceedings.

Any statements you make while in law enforcement custody can be used against you, even if you’re only intending to clear up a misunderstanding or ask basic questions about your legal rights. To avoid making any big mistakes, it’s best to cooperate in silence, telling officers only that you wish to speak to an attorney. You’ll have a chance to tell your side of the story, but it’s essential that you first ensure your legal rights are protected.

Your first move after a citation, arrest, or notice of a criminal charge should be to reach out to a seasoned Maryland criminal defense attorney.

Maronick Law LLC recognizes how urgent your legal matter can be, especially when you’re stuck in police custody in a state where you’re unfamiliar with the legal system. We’re available 24/7 to assist clients with legal issues that can’t wait, even on nights and weekends. The initial consultation is free, ensuring that nothing stands in the way of getting the help you need. We can assist you with every stage of your case, from putting together an argument to get you out on bail to working to negotiate a resolution to your case.

You need legal guidance to put this criminal charge behind you, Maronick Law LLC is ready to fight for you. Contact us online or call us at 443-351-6657 today to schedule your free initial consultation.