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How to beat an indecent exposure charge in Maryland

Indecent exposure is a serious crime in Maryland, and anyone charged with such behavior should seek legal advice immediately. An Ocean City indecent exposure lawyer can help you, examining your case to determine what defenses are available to help you beat the charge.

There are several possible ways to fight Ocean City indecent exposure charges. Common defenses include:

  • Lack of intent: If you did not intend to expose yourself, you may be able to argue that your conduct was accidental or that you did not know that your behavior would result in exposure.

  • Mistaken identity: If the prosecution has identified the wrong person as the offender, you might be able to argue that you were not present at the time of the offense.

  • False accusations: In some cases, a person may falsely accuse someone of indecent exposure for personal or political reasons. You can argue that the accusations are baseless and motivated by malice.

Prosecutors must prove that you exposed your genitals in public or in the presence of another person who is not your spouse, and that you acted intentionally.

Penalties for indecent exposure can be severe. Punishment can include jail time, fines, and registration as a sex offender. Registration as a sex offender can have a negative impact on housing and employment.

Penalties may increase if you have prior convictions for indecent exposure. The judge could also add more jail time and fines if you have been convicted of other sex crimes.

If you are facing charges indecent exposure charges, an Ocean City indecent exposure attorney can help. The attorneys at Maronick Law LLC have experience with Annapolis, Baltimore, Essex, Ocean City, Towson, White Marsh indecent exposure matters.

Maronick Law LLC is open during the pandemic and continues to meet your legal needs. We can meet with you remotely if you have access to Zoom. You can contact Thomas Maronick on his cellphone at 202.288.0167, the law office at 410.244.5068 or via our website for a free consultation.