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It’s best to park your car when partying in Ocean City

Maryland’s beautiful beaches and vibrant shore draw thousands of beach partygoers every summer. Unfortunately, with increased celebrations often comes a rise in Driving Under the Influence (DUI) cases.

While designating a driver is a responsible first step, it is not always a foolproof approach. This is because even with the best intentions, they may end up arrested for DUI. Parking your car for the entire evening often ensures a safer and more enjoyable experience.

Maryland has strict DUI laws

A blood alcohol concentration (BAC) limit of .08 is required for regular drivers in Maryland. This means your designated driver can be considered legally intoxicated if their BAC reaches or exceeds this ceiling. A breathalyzer test refusal can also lead to a DUI charge. If they are a first-time offender, penalties can include:

  • Jail time up to one year

  • License suspension for up to a year

  • Fines exceeding $1000

  • Potential ignition interlock device (IID) installation

Your friend may need to hire an experienced lawyer who can potentially advocate for a reduced sentence or dismissal of charges. Advise your friend to contact one immediately. While their DUI charge does not automatically affect you legally, the police officers may also question you and even impound the car you are riding in.

Eliminating the risk associated with DUI

After a night of partying in Ocean City, you might need an extra layer of security and peace of mind. Designating a driver is always a commendable effort, but so is parking your car for the night. Using alternative transportation can be helpful, too. Knowing you or your designated driver are not responsible for driving can mean a worry-free night out while potentially avoiding legal ramifications.