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Local arrested on child pornography and sexual abuse charges

There is no more stigmatized crime in our country than sex crimes, like child pornography and sexual abuse. Even allegations can destroy the careers of anyone that works with children. However, what many forget is that a bedrock principle of our country is that everyone, regardless of the allegation, is entitled to a presumption of innocence until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. One Wicomico County man is dealing with this now dealing with these realities first-hand.

What was he charged with?

According to the Maryland State Police Department, they arrested the Wicomico County man Wednesday. They charged him with two counts of distribution of child pornography, two counts of possession of child pornography, two counts of contributing to the condition of a child and two counts of sexual abuse of a minor. Currently, he is being held in the Wicomico County Detention Center without bail.

Why was he arrested?

The Maryland State Police Department claims that they received a report that the Wicomico County man was in possession and, possibly, distributed child pornography. The report allegedly came from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. After searching the accused residence, he was charged.

What are his options?

Call a local Maryland attorney, immediately. All too often, the overworked court-appointed attorney does not have the time to provide the kind of defense that is needed for these kinds of cases. Our firm has routinely achieved found ways to get our clients back to work and put child pornography cases behind them. This has even happened in the face of seemingly overwhelming odds.