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Maryland workplace eye injuries and workers’ compensation

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that about 20,000 Americans sustain job-related eye injuries each year. Maryland workers who are among them can possibly receive workers’ compensation benefits. To do so, however, depends on the circumstances of the injury.

What is workers’ compensation?

Workers’ compensation is insurance that provides financial assistance or medical care for workers who become injured or sick because of their job. The employer pays for this insurance.

The Maryland Workers’ Compensation Commission says that Maryland employers with one or more employees must offer workers’ compensation. In addition to paying benefits to surviving workers, the insurance also offers a death benefit to families of employees killed on the job.

Causes of workplace eye injuries

The type of eye injury sustained depends on the type of work. Depending on the circumstances, anything from eye strain to a severe injury can occur.

Construction workers might sustain eye injuries from flying wood splinters or pieces of shattered glass, and hospital workers could get chemicals in their eyes.

Some high-risk jobs, such as welding, require the use of protective eyewear. However, eye injuries can occur at jobs that aren’t high-risk. In those situations, it’s unlikely that protective eyewear is in use.

Workers are encouraged to consider their safety and the safety of their coworkers. This is one way to reduce the possibility of workplace eye injuries.

Workers’ compensation eligibility

Full and part-time employees are generally eligible for workers’ compensation. However, an employee can dispute a claim, or the insurance can decide the situation isn’t covered. When approved, the benefits can pay for lost wages, medical expenses and other financial needs.