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Online child sex exploitation cases up in Maryland

Maryland Police have received a record number of tips concerning the sexual exploitation of children over the internet.

Although startling, the increase is of little surprise considering the amount of time adolescents are spending on the internet.

The Covid-19 pandemic has turned traditionally in-person activities virtual with school, clubs, and other events now conducted over the internet.

The Maryland State Police Computer Crimes Unit has received 2,000 more tips in 2020 than in 2019 and the trend seems to be continuing into the new year.

Prince George’s County led the state with the largest increase of reported tips with over 1,000 being reported in 2020 compared to just 500 in 2019. Montgomery County saw the second largest increase, followed by Howard County, Baltimore City, Baltimore County, and Anne Arundel County.

The Police noted several steps that parents can take to protect their children online, such as monitoring their online activity, discussing online safety, maintaining control of apps on their devices, and being aware of what information they’re sharing.

It should be noted that Maryland is not the only state to see an increase in reported instances of online sexual harassment of children, many other states, and the nation as a whole, have also seen an increase.

A vigorous defense

Simply being charged with a sex-related crime can turn your life upside down; a conviction can turn your life into a nightmare.

Additionally, the powers that be don’t always have your best interests in mind, to say the least. In fact, they may assume that your guilty from the start.

It’s easy to feel the odds are stacked against you and that your fate is a forgone conclusion. However, those accused of a crime still have rights and are entitled to fair treatment.

This is why it’s critical to have an experienced criminal defense attorney by your side. They can provide a vigorous defense of your rights and ensure your story gets heard.