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Operating a vehicle after a DUI charge

In Maryland, it is not uncommon to hear about someone getting pulled over for driving under the influence (DUI) of alcohol. Many people are sure that they will never find themselves in that position. However, whether a person was impaired when they got behind the wheel or a police officer made a mistake during the arrest, DUIs in Maryland are subject to aggressive prosecution, and a person can receive severe punishment if convicted.

Ignition interlock system

Under Maryland law, an ignition interlock system is a device that establishes a connection between a vehicle’s ignition system and a breath analyzer. The breath analyzer is responsible for measuring the driver’s blood alcohol level. If the driver’s blood alcohol level exceeds the calibrated settings on the device, the ignition interlock system will prohibit the vehicle from starting. The purpose of this device is to theoretically prevent individuals from obtaining a DUI by ensuring that they cannot operate the vehicle if the breath analyzer detects an unacceptable alcohol level.

Ignition interlock requirements

In Maryland, authorities require individuals convicted of a DUI to install an interlock device. Those convicted of driving while impaired (DWI) may also face this requirement.

As part of probation, some individuals must have ignition interlock devices installed. Those ordered to use such a device must comply for three years. During this period, operating a vehicle without an interlock ignition system installed is strictly prohibited by law.

The individual convicted of the DUI is responsible for paying the costs associated with purchasing, leasing or maintaining the ignition interlock monitoring system. They also must have semi-annual monitoring of the system to ensure it functions properly.

Having an ignition interlock system can be a source of frustration. However, since it is something that the court requires, it would not be prudent for a person to try to get around the system by tampering with it in any way.