- What am I facing on a charge of possession of child pornography?
Jun 3, 2024
In Maryland, the law distinguishes between possession of child pornography and the production or distribution of it, either physically or digitally. That second aspect of “digitally” is key to any modern-day analysis of our state’s child pornography laws. In recent years, the evolution of computers and image processing software has forced State lawmakers to update the primary child pornography statute to now include any “computer-generated image that has been created, adapted, or modified to...Read More - What penalties could I face for a voyeurism charge in Maryland?
May 30, 2024
When we hear the word “voyeurism,” our minds may turn to one of any number of depictions from movies over the past several decades in which a stereotypical teenage “nerd” is perched in a tree, using a pair of binoculars to spy on his crush undressing in her bedroom. Hijinks typically ensue, and the scene is played for laughs. In reality, however, voyeurism is an invasive crime, and the penalties associated with it are anything...Read More - Can Bankruptcy Help You Manage Mortgage Arrears and Keep Your Home?
May 29, 2024
Struggling with mortgage arrears can be an overwhelming experience, especially when you're at risk of foreclosure. However, there are legal avenues that may help you manage your debt and keep your home. At Maronick Law LLC, we understand the complexities of Maryland's bankruptcy laws and are here to guide you through your options. This blog explores how filing for Understanding Mortgage Arrears What Are Mortgage Arrears? Mortgage arrears occur when you miss one or...Read More - How can I reduce the risk of boating accidents?
May 29, 2024
In Maryland, recreational boaters have many opportunities to explore the state’s beautiful waters. However, while these activities can be a fun way to spend your leisure time, they come with dangerous risks. Even though boating accidents are less common than car accidents, they may still cause severe injuries and long-lasting, even fatal, effects. Before setting sail, you should study safety pointers to reduce the risk of getting hurt. Lowering the risk of fatal...Read More - Common workplace illnesses and how to prevent them
May 27, 2024
Workers’ compensation programs in Maryland help people who are injured in workplace accidents to make ends meet, and they also provide benefits to workers who are diagnosed with debilitating job-related illnesses. Workers can become sick after being exposed to toxic substances like chemicals or biological agents, or they can develop painful musculoskeletal disorders like carpal tunnel syndrome because their work involves repetitive motions or heavy lifting. Exposure to toxic substances Exposure to toxic...Read More - Maryland workplace eye injuries and workers’ compensation
May 23, 2024
The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that about 20,000 Americans sustain job-related eye injuries each year. Maryland workers who are among them can possibly receive workers’ compensation benefits. To do so, however, depends on the circumstances of the injury. What is workers’ compensation? Workers’ compensation The Causes of workplace eye injuries The type of eye injury sustained depends on the type of work. Depending on the circumstances, anything...Read More - Tips to Help You Organize and Prepare Yourself for a Divorce in Maryland
May 22, 2024
Divorce can be an emotionally challenging and complex process. It requires careful planning, organization, and a clear understanding of legal procedures. If you're considering or preparing for a Understanding Maryland Divorce Laws Before diving into the preparation steps, it's crucial to understand the basics of Maryland divorce laws. As of October 1, 2023, Maryland has significantly revised its divorce laws, simplifying the process and eliminating the concept of limited divorce. Grounds for Absolute Divorce...Read More - Is lane splitting legal and can it cause motorcycle accidents?
May 21, 2024
Motorcyclists and lane splitting are a dangerous combination. Lane splitting, or the practice of a motorcyclist navigating between two lanes of slow-moving or stopped traffic, is risky for all road users. Not only is this practice illegal in Maryland, but it can also lead to accidents and injuries. Motorcyclists, like drivers of four-wheeled vehicles, should always prioritize everyone’s safety. The injured party can seek compensation if a motorcyclist injures another because of lane splitting...Read More - Is it possible to get a home loan after filing for bankruptcy?
May 20, 2024
Understandably, many adults in Maryland want to become homeowners. However, life can sometimes be full of unwanted financial-related surprises. One of these situations happens when someone must file for bankruptcy. After completing this process, many people wonder if they’re able to qualify for a home loan. Home loans after bankruptcy Fortunately, the good news is that people can qualify for and Completing a waiting period While homeownership is possible after...Read More - Recovering from your bankruptcy
May 16, 2024
Filing for bankruptcy could be a highly positive step in the right direction for people who are interested in rebuilding their financial situation. Following all the necessary steps during the bankruptcy process could lead a Maryland debtor to embark on life with a clean financial slate. Once bankruptcy ends, avoiding mistakes that could lead back to fiscal woes becomes necessary. Post-bankruptcy approaches Devising an adequate Taking action to rebuild a credit...Read More