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  • An overview of Maryland’s gun laws in 2023

    May 4, 2023

    In 2022, after the Supreme Court ruled on the Shall-Issue vs. may-issue In a shall-issue state, an individual may acquire a license to purchase a gun provided that they pass the state’s background check. In a may-issue state, authorities have the discretion to deny a gun permit, even if the applicant passes a background check, if they have concerns about the individual outside of the scope of the background check. ...
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  • Poisonings in Maryland

    May 3, 2023

    Poisoning is the leading cause of death in people under 44. While household chemicals most commonly poison children, adult poisoning is often drug-related. There are many types of poisoning, so you will want to know the different types and how to react. Food poisoning Food poisoning usually causes an upset stomach, cramps, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and fever. It can happen when a person eats undercooked meat or poultry, needs to follow safe food-handling...
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  • Does Maryland have a “Stand Your Ground” Law?

    May 1, 2023

    Two recent shootings have sparked discussions about “Stand your Ground” laws. In one instance, a teenage boy in Missouri who was sent by his parents to pick up his younger brothers after a play date was shot by a man who reportedly said he thought the boy was “yanking on the handle of the door to his home.” In another instance, a young woman in upstate New York, who was a passenger in...
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  • What are the penalties for disorderly conduct?

    Apr 21, 2023

    Disorderly conduct is the leading reason for police calls in Ocean City, Maryland in the summer when tourists and Marylanders flock to the seaside town to spend time at the beach. Disorderly conduct can be a bit of a vague charge. Some say that Maryland law enforcement uses it as a “catch-all” for public disturbances. In general, an Ocean City, Maryland disorderly conduct charge stems from any behavior that disturbs the peace, endangers public...
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  • Will a conviction in Maryland for indecent exposure affect my security clearance?

    Apr 17, 2023

    Perhaps. A conviction for indecent exposure could have an impact on your security clearance because of a The state legislator who introduced the bill said the measure was introduced in part to beef up the penalties when the accused has a security clearance. The current penalties under Maryland law do not trigger an investigation by the U.S. Department of Defense. Supporters also say the crime demands more substantial penalties when witnessed by a juvenile...
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  • How to beat an indecent exposure charge in Maryland

    Apr 11, 2023

    Indecent exposure There are several possible ways to fight Ocean City indecent exposure charges. Common defenses include: Lack of intent: If you did not intend to expose yourself, you may be able to argue that your conduct was accidental or that you did not know that your behavior would result in exposure. Mistaken identity: If the prosecution has identified the wrong person as the offender, you might be able to argue that...
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  • A breakdown of probation violations in Maryland

    Apr 6, 2023

    While probation is always preferable to spending time in prison, probation presents less demoralizing but still challenging circumstances. Violating probation can sometimes be frighteningly easy and set people up for added prison or probation time. There are two kinds of violations, “non-technical” and “technical.” Non-technical probation violations Non-technical probation violations are serious and can result in substantial prison time. In Maryland, a A non-technical violation, say a minor altercation...
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  • What to do if you are bitten by a dog in Maryland

    Apr 5, 2023

    More than 4 million people are bitten by dogs each year in Maryland and around the country according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and almost a million of them are injured severely enough to require medical attention. Contracting rabies from a household pet is extremely unlikely in this day and age, but that does not mean dog bites can be ignored. If you are ever bitten by a dog, you should treat...
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  • Preventing common workplace injuries

    Apr 4, 2023

    Maryland employees and employers should do their part to reduce workplace injuries. While some lines of work are more dangerous than others, all jobs present a certain amount of risk. Be sure to apply these tips in your workplace to cut down on common workplace injuries. Hearing loss According to studies, hearing loss is the most common occupational injury in the United States. Unfortunately, hearing loss typically goes undiagnosed until the employee suffers...
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  • What does the state have to prove when bringing an indecent exposure charge?

    Apr 3, 2023

    Indecent exposure Under Maryland Criminal Law Section 11-107, a person is guilty of indecent exposure if they “intentionally, in a public place, expose their private parts or the private parts of another.” To convict for indecent exposure, the prosecution must prove three specific elements: The defendant exposed their genitals or the private parts of another in public The exposure occurred in the presence of another person who is not a spouse...
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