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  • What are some defenses against a DUI or DWI charge in Maryland?

    Aug 9, 2022

    Each Maryland arrest for impaired driving is different. The available legal strategies will depend on the facts of the case. Many Maryland DUI/DWI legal defenses are based on taking advantage of the mistakes made by law enforcement in handling your arrest. There are several defenses that can be applied. Was the stop lawful? If Maryland law enforcement stopped your car and did not have probable cause for the stop, evidence obtained during the...
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  • A DUI charge could mean jail time

    Jul 27, 2022

    In Maryland, there are two different drunk driving statutes, and the crime that you are charged with depends on your blood alcohol level. In either scenario, you could face jail time, a fine or other penalties for a first or subsequent offense. Driving under the influence If your Driving while impaired If your blood alcohol content is lower, you’ll likely be charged with driving while impaired(DWI). This is not a...
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  • What are the impaired driving penalties in Maryland when there are injuries?

    Jul 22, 2022

    About 8,000 impaired-driving crashes occur every year on Maryland roads and about 35 percent of those auto accidents result in injury. DWI/DUI penalties vary depending on the charge and whether a first or repeat offense is involved. In general, a first offense is a misdemeanor and involves a suspended license, the possibility of jail time and fines. Maximum penalties for a first offense for causing life threatening injuries by motor vehicle while under the...
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  • Can I get a DUI expunged in Maryland?

    Jul 19, 2022

    Facing drunk driving charges can be confusing and frustrating. In addition to the lengthy court process, you may find yourself with limitations on your driving privileges, making it difficult to live your life. If you are convicted of a DUI, you could also face other consequences since a DUI can mean you have a criminal record. A criminal charge could mean that you face other limitations, too. Here’s what you should know about...
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  • What are the impaired driving penalties in Maryland when children are in the car?

    Jul 11, 2022

    We’ve talked about the penalties for repeat offenses involving Maryland has a different set of penalties when minors are being transported by a driver who is convicted of driving while intoxicated or driving under the influence. Maryland law is clear that driving drunk or impaired with a child in the car who is under the age of 18 serves as an aggravating factor to impaired driving charges. An aggravating factor is an element...
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  • What are Maryland’s underage DUI laws and penalties?

    Jul 7, 2022

    Underage drinking is an offense that Maryland authorities take seriously. Facing such charges can negatively impact your life, but you can protect your rights. You should know about the state’s underage DUI laws and penalties. What are Maryland’s underage DUI laws? Maryland has laws against The state doesn’t have an actual underage DUI law, but drivers younger than 21 have a restriction on their licenses. If someone is found to be...
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  • What are the penalties in Maryland for repeat drug DUI convictions?

    Jul 5, 2022

    In Maryland, impaired driving whether it stems from alcohol or drugs is illegal. However, when most people hear the phrase “DUI,” they think about those who mix alcohol use and driving. Maryland drivers can be charged with a DUI even if they don’t have any alcohol in their system. Being impaired by drugs, even legal drugs or marijuana, and driving can lead to a DUI charge. There are two “impaired while driving” charges in...
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  • Potential penalties for intoxicated driving in Maryland

    Jun 28, 2022

    Being charged with driving under the influence is a serious criminal charge in Maryland. The state has opted for a unique approach to prosecuting impaired driving by establishing both a DUI and DWI standard. For alcohol impairment cases, the 0.08% blood alcohol concentration threshold applies while 0.07% BAC results in a DWI charge where the driver is impaired but not considered intoxicated. This also allows for some level of plea bargaining or even a...
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  • How can a BUI can affect my driving privileges?

    Jun 27, 2022

    Every state has driving under the influence laws to keep drivers and passengers safe while on the road. The federal government and every state have boating under the influence laws to keep people safe on the water. BUI laws allow police to check that the operators and passengers of watercraft are acting safely in Maryland. A BUI can have serious financial consequences, including increased boater and auto insurance rates, heavy monetary fines and jail time...
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  • New Video Series! Ask an Attorney Featuring Michael Walls

    Jun 27, 2022

    We’re debuting the first two episodes of our new video series “Ask an Attorney”. You’ll be able to keep up with the series here on our website, or on our Introducing Attorney Michael Walls Transcript Hi, I’m Attorney Mike Walls from Maronick Law offices. We’re here to answer your questions! [Assistant] Alright Mike, how long have you practiced Criminal Law, and how much of your case load...
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