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  • What happens to your home in a divorce?

    Mar 23, 2022

    Ending your marriage in Maryland can be a complex affair. There may be a great many variables that will need to be resolved. One of them may be what becomes of the home you both lived in. This is a question whose answer will depend on a number of factors. Some of the most common of these will be discussed below. Who gets custody of the house? Maryland is an equitable distribution state...
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  • What is the “fruit of the poisonous tree?”

    Mar 18, 2022

    Not all evidence is admissible in court. In instances where police misconduct is suspected, several rules prevent the evidence from being used against a defendant facing criminal charges. The exclusionary rule allows courts to exclude evidence at trial if it was obtained in violation of the Constitution. The exclusionary rule often comes into play when there is a violation of the Fourth and Fifth Amendments. The Fourth Amendment protects against unreasonable searches and seizures...
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  • Differences between prenuptial and postnuptial agreements

    Mar 17, 2022

    Couples in Maryland might want to consider a prenuptial agreement or postnuptial agreement. Depending on whether they’re already married, one of these agreements could benefit them. What is a prenuptial agreement? A Although a prenup is often an awkward subject to bring up to your fiancé, it’s sometimes necessary. If you have finances and property you wish to protect, you might need a prenuptial agreement. A prenup is often easier to...
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  • Understanding bankruptcy subpoena in Maryland

    Mar 11, 2022

    If you’re considering bankruptcy in Maryland, you may have heard the term “bankruptcy subpoena.” But what is it and how will it impact your case? What is a bankruptcy subpoena? A bankruptcy subpoena is a legal document that orders a person or business to appear in court to provide testimony, documents or other evidence related to a bankruptcy case. The purpose of a bankruptcy subpoena is to gather information that will help the...
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  • Maryland courts resume full operations on March 7

    Mar 8, 2022

    Maryland’s courts will be Jury trials which had previously been suspended on an emergency basis will be rescheduled as promptly as possible. The court order said priority will be given to criminal jury trials and other urgent actions. Because of the longstanding suspension of court matters as a result of the global pandemic, many of the normal deadlines for legal matters have also moved back. Consult an Ocean City criminal defense attorney...
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  • How are debts split in a divorce?

    Mar 3, 2022

    The state of Maryland is an equitable distribution state. This means that assets held in a marital estate are divided in a manner that is considered fair to both parties in the event that a marriage comes to an end. Of course, it’s not uncommon for married couples to accumulate debt during the course of their relationship, which must be accounted for in a divorce settlement. Is your name on an account? If...
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  • Resources for those who have been in a Maryland auto accident

    Mar 2, 2022

    If you’ve been in a Glen Burnie, Baltimore, or Ocean City, Maryland auto accident, you probably have some questions and are looking for information. Here’s a short list of questions and answers we’ve covered that will be of help. FAQs What to do after a car accident in Maryland | Maronick Law LLC What do I do after an accident? We provide tips on how to handle the immediate aftermath of an...
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  • Caps on personal injury damages in Maryland

    Feb 24, 2022

    Maryland law determines the amount of money that personal injury clients can receive for their injuries. There are two types of damages, economic and non-economic, that have different effects on a person who suffers from an accident. In addition, there are caps for damages that are awarded in court for personal injuries, wrongful deaths and pain and suffering. The number of damages The state of Maryland places caps on the amount of ...
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  • Common car accident injuries in Maryland

    Feb 23, 2022

    Auto accident injuries in Baltimore and Ocean City, Maryland run the gamut from simple bruises to fatalities. However, some injuries seem to happen more often in Maryland auto accidents than others. Whiplash Whiplash occurs when a sudden movement stretches the muscles and ligaments of the neck and upper back, causing soft tissue injuries. Whiplash is most often seen in rear-end auto collisions. Shoulder injuries Baltimore and Ocean City car accident victims...
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  • Do you need a divorce coach?

    Feb 17, 2022

    If you’re feeling stressed or overwhelmed about your divorce, it’s a good idea to hire a divorce coach. They can help you with the mental and emotional side of going through a divorce as well as the decision-making. Maryland allows divorce mediation, and a coach can also help you with the mediation process. Reduce overwhelm A divorce coach is there to help you feel calmer and in control. They take some of the...
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