- What Does It Mean To Have A “Local” Lawyer?
Apr 25, 2022
You may think all lawyers claiming to be “local” are the same. This is simply not true. Consider what “local” actually means. In many cases, a local lawyer is a lawyer not actually based in the local community. They may only lease an office space that they occasionally use. We know it is hard to believe, but some lawyers list offices on their websites or market in areas where they don’t have any community presence. At...Read More - Custody and visitation after divorce or separation
Apr 21, 2022
If you’ve recently gone through a divorce, you may be tempted to request sole custody of your children if you are the parent who spends the most time with them. You may also want custody if you feel that you are the more acceptable parent. However, there are several factors to consider when it comes to child custody. If you’re a Maryland resident, here are some important things to remember. Legal and physical custody...Read More - What is assault under Maryland law?
Apr 18, 2022
In a recent high-profile event, a popular movie star slapped a well-known comic during a nationally televised awards show. The comic has reportedly declined to press charges but if such an event happened in Maryland, what kind of charges could result? Maryland law defines assault as the offensive touching of another person without permission that creates fear. The phrase “assault and battery” is often used in television shows. Battery is the unlawful and...Read More - Debt discharges and Chapter 13 bankruptcy
Apr 13, 2022
Chapter 13 bankruptcy differs significantly from Chapter 7. With Chapter 7, filers enter into a liquidation bankruptcy, which mainly involves the trustee selling off non-exempt assets to pay creditors. Some remaining debt becomes subject to discharge. Chapter 13 focuses on a repayment plan, but some filers may wonder if any debt undergoes a discharge. For those with such concerns, it might be positive news to learn that some debt may end up discharged in a...Read More - What are the penalties for shoplifting in Maryland?
Apr 8, 2022
Shoplifting is the theft of merchandise from a business. Under Maryland law, it’s a crime to willfully and knowingly obtain unauthorized control over property if the person taking the property intends to deprive the owner of the property and conceals the property in a way that deprives the owner of the property. Penalties for shoplifting in Maryland depend on the value of the items. Shoplifters in Maryland can receive both jail time and fines,...Read More - Creating a Chapter 13 bankruptcy repayment plan
Apr 7, 2022
Maryland consumers who have trouble paying their debts might want to consider filing for Chapter 13 bankruptcy. This type of bankruptcy involves paying back debts over time, so it’s important to properly prepare for your repayment plan. What to know about Chapter 13 bankruptcy People who have debts that they are having difficulty paying off due to time constraints often turn to How does a Chapter 13 repayment plan work? ...Read More - What is Maryland Shopkeeper’s Privilege?
Apr 1, 2022
Shopkeeper’s Privilege is the name given to a law that allows business owners to detain people they suspect of shoplifting. Maryland is one of several states that has such a law. Shoplifting is the theft of merchandise from a business. When a business owner believes that a store patron has shoplifted items or is attempting to shoplift merchandise, the store owner has probable cause to take the individual into custody. However, the business...Read More - Concerns with gray divorce finances
Mar 30, 2022
Even spouses married for many years might see their marriages come to an end, and older couples could go through a previously unexpected “gray divorce.” Divorce at any age comes with legal concerns and financial responsibilities, but couples age 50 and over might have additional issues to deal with. Older persons seeking a divorce in Maryland may wish to avoid overlooking certain relevant issues. Older spouses and alimony payments When Additional...Read More - Will ghost guns become a thing of the past?
Mar 26, 2022
Owning a firearm can sometimes come with a significant amount of red tape. Depending on the type of gun you want and where you want to be able to take it, you may need a permit and background check. It was only a matter of time before 3D printing became another way for people to make their own guns that do not have the traceable serial numbers of other firearms. Now, the Maryland legislature...Read More - What happens to your home in a divorce?
Mar 23, 2022
Ending your marriage in Maryland can be a complex affair. There may be a great many variables that will need to be resolved. One of them may be what becomes of the home you both lived in. This is a question whose answer will depend on a number of factors. Some of the most common of these will be discussed below. Who gets custody of the house? Maryland is an equitable distribution state...Read More