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  • Maryland’s unique medical malpractice laws

    Sep 24, 2021

    Many states have specific laws pertaining to medical malpractice lawsuits. Some of the statutes are relatively standard while others are unique in some aspects. Maryland uses a medical malpractice standard that also allows for the state’s antiquated contributory negligence law barring injured parties from being financially compensated for injuries if they have even a small degree of fault with respect to the incident. However, that bar typically does not apply in medical malpractice suits unless...
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  • Repeat DUI penalties in Maryland

    Sep 20, 2021

    All states impose minimum sentencing for DUI. Sometimes, a driver in Glen Burnie, Maryland, gets a lighter penalty for a first DUI, based on circumstances. However, repeat offenders may face much stiffer penalties under new laws. Overview of Maryland DUI Maryland makes driving under the influence of alcohol, controlled substances, or a combination is a punishable offense. A driver can get charged with a DUI, driving under the influence, or a DWI, which...
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  • Maryland field sobriety tests can be challenged

    Sep 17, 2021

    Field sobriety tests are a series of tests used by police officers to determine if a person suspected of impaired driving is intoxicated with alcohol or drugs. The three tests most commonly used are the horizontal gaze nystagmus, the walk-and-turn, and the one-leg stand. The horizontal gaze nystagmus test checks for involuntary jerking of the eye which can indicate alcohol impairment. The “walk and turn” test requires a test subject to take a specified...
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  • Defenses for a positive Breathalyzer test

    Sep 15, 2021

    Many state laws give officers the right to pull suspected drunk drivers over for testing. The most commonly used test is a Breathalyzer to measure blood alcohol content, or BAC. However, the test results are not always accurate, and a driver in Maryland can challenge them. Maryland DUI laws and Breathalyzers In Maryland, a driver can get charged for driving under the influence or driving while impaired. The state presumes that a driver...
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  • Appeals court finds probable cause for impaired driving based on trooper’s visual observation of vehicle’s contents

    Sep 13, 2021

    The trial court made a mistake when it concluded that a Maryland State Trooper lacked probable cause to believe that a man was guilty of impaired driving at the time of his arrest, the Court of Special Appeals has ruled. The trooper was performing road patrol last year in an unmarked car a little past midnight on Route 213, south of the Chestertown Bridge in Queen Anne’s County. The officer saw a vehicle in...
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  • Maryland’s drunk driving laws

    Sep 2, 2021

    Being arrested for a suspected DUI in Ocean City, Maryland, can be a highly disconcerting event. Most people who are arrested for impaired driving offenses have minimal experience with the criminal justice system and might not know the penalties they are facing or what to expect. Knowing the laws in Maryland for DUI and DWI offenses might help people to understand the process. DUI/DWI laws in Maryland Maryland has a People...
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  • How can you and your ex create a good coparenting plan?

    Aug 30, 2021

    If you’re going through a divorce in Glen Burnie, Maryland, you’ll have many details to consider. As a parent, you and your ex should want to do the best you can for your child. One of the best ways to do that is to come up with a co-parenting plan that works for both of you and your child. Have a temporary child custody and visitation agreement in place While you wait for...
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  • Ocean City, Maryland Police Report Hefty Increase in Weapons Violations

    Aug 24, 2021

    A report on police activity in Ocean City for June 2021 has highlighted a significant increase in arrests dealing with weapons violations, according to the In May, there were 111 weapons arrests, compared to 73 in 2020 and 40 in 2019. Of the weapons arrests, 59 were for knives and 34 were for firearms. In one instance, a patrol officer responding to a disturbance saw a 19-year-old Baltimore man in the back...
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  • How many DUI BAC tests are there?

    Aug 19, 2021

    When the police pull a driver over, a stop based on reasonable suspicion may become a DUI arrest. One factor considered when performing a DUI stop in Maryland involves breath test results. Breath tests check for blood alcohol concentration (BAC), a figure that reveals how much alcohol someone recently drank. Not all BAC tests are the same, nor are they always reliable. Different BAC tests A BAC at or above .08 represents a...
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  • What are the pros and cons of refusing field sobriety testing?

    Aug 17, 2021

    Field sobriety testing is one way that police officers determine whether an individual is impaired by alcohol or drugs. Because the objectivity of these tests is in question, you may wonder if it is in your best benefit to refuse them or not. What affects field sobriety testing? There are many factors that can lead to a person failing If you refuse field sobriety testing You are allowed to refuse...
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