- Do you need a police report to prove fault in a Maryland car accident?
Jan 10, 2022
No. It’s easier to prove fault with a police report; however, it’s not always possible that a report was prepared. Maryland law does not require that every accident be reported to the police. In fact, Maryland officials recommend that the police only be called for major accidents. The police should not always be called after a motor vehicle collision, according to “Move It,” a collaboration of Maryland’s traffic and police agencies including the Maryland...Read More - Deciding between Chapter 7 and Chapter 11 bankruptcy
Jan 5, 2022
A new year has dawned, but you’re still in the same old predicament: You don’t have enough money to pay your bills in Maryland. If the time has come to file for bankruptcy, do you choose Chapter 7 or Chapter 13? Bankruptcy is a last resort Individuals should not file bankruptcy unless they have exhausted all other means to get their debts under control. Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 refer to the sections...Read More - Jury trials put on hold because of Omicron surge
Jan 4, 2022
Jury trials have been Jury trials that were supposed to be held between Dec. 29, 2021 and Feb. 8, 2022 will be rescheduled. Maryland’s “Hicks Rule” will be waived until trials are able to resume. The rule requires that the state must bring a defendant to trial within 180 days of a defendant’s first appearance. District and circuit courts will hear some cases “in-person,” but proceedings will be held remotely “to the...Read More - Chapter 13 and Chapter 7 bankruptcies are different
Dec 30, 2021
Debt might reach a point where paying off obligations appears impossible. A Maryland resident may look at bankruptcy laws for protection. Exploring bankruptcy reveals different categories, and filers may go through Chapter 7 or Chapter 13. Significant differences separate these two options, and the debtor might not have a choice about what category to file. However, both Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 could help someone suffering from financial misfortune. Chapter 7 vs. Chapter 13...Read More - Which type of bankruptcy should I file?
Dec 29, 2021
Maryland residents are faced with a choice of what kind of bankruptcy to file when they run into financial difficulties. The two primary types of bankruptcy each offer their own advantages. Chapter 7 gives you a near-complete debt discharge Chapter 7 bankruptcy Chapter 13 buys you time Chapter 13 bankruptcy is a restructuring, This gives you time and breathing room to Which one works best depends on your situation...Read More - What to do after a car accident in Maryland
Dec 27, 2021
The first minutes after an auto accident can be confusing and, if it’s a minor fender bender, you might be tempted to continue to your destination. However, it’s important to do the right things after the collision to preserve your legal claims. Should you move your car to the side of the road? Yes. If you are involved in an auto accident and there is minimal property damage, but no injuries and your...Read More - What are the deadlines in Maryland auto accident cases?
Dec 20, 2021
If you ’ve been in an Ocean City or Baltimore auto accident, there are important deadlines for your case. If you miss the statutes of limitations, you lose your chance to get compensation for your injuries. The statute of limitations for car accident cases in Maryland is three years from the date of the accident. There are, however, several instances where different time limitations apply. If there is a fatality, then families have...Read More - Are Americans leaning towards more lenient sentencing?
Dec 15, 2021
Public sentiment about punishing criminal behavior may change depending on many factors. Many more people feel willing to explore criminal justice reform steps that reduce penalties in the current climate. How widespread such feelings are might be debatable. Reports suggest the public is evenly divided about sentencing matters. Some feel the courts should impose harsher sentences, while others prefer less punitive sentences. How a Maryland judge, jury, and prosecutor approach sentencing may center on the...Read More - How much can I recover in the event of a Maryland auto accident?
Dec 10, 2021
Car accidents in Ocean City and other parts of Maryland are common occurrences. After all, Maryland drivers, especially in Baltimore, have ranked at the bottom of one insurer’s ratings of good drivers for over 10 years. In fact, the insurer noted that Maryland drivers are involved in auto accidents at a much more frequent rate than drivers in most other states. So, with the increased likelihood of an Ocean City or Baltimore car accident,...Read More - Why might you need a prenuptial agreement?
Dec 6, 2021
If you are getting married, there are many reasons why you might want to consider a prenuptial agreement. Generally speaking, courts in Maryland will recognize such an agreement if it is structured properly. Let’s take a closer look at some of the potential benefits of entering into this type of contract. You can override state property division laws Maryland is an What happens to assets if you die? A prenuptial...Read More