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  • US Supreme Court Strikes Down State Law that Restricted Sex Offender Access to Social Media

    Jul 17, 2017

    In one of the first cases to be taken up by the U.S. Supreme Court addressing the First Amendment and the Internet, the nation’s top court recently reversed a state law that prohibited sex offenders from using social media such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc. Forbidding access to social media prevents the user from engaging in the legitimate exercise of First Amendment rights, the court said. “Even convicted criminals—and in some instances especially...
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  • Patients may leave the OR with a surgical souvenir

    May 15, 2017

    Although surgical staff must follow special protocol to ensure all equipment is accounted for prior to, during and following a procedure, medical mistakes continue to occur. Updated technology is available to operating rooms across the country. However, many institutions are still at fault for leaving surgical items behind in patients’ incision sites. At least 4,000 times every year, patients leave the operating room with  The most frequent object left behind in patients are surgical...
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  • Maryland accident leaves several hurt

    May 13, 2017

    Traffic accidents take place for all sorts of reasons. Sometimes, they happen because a driver is drowsy or distracted by their cell phone. In other cases, drivers may be operating a vehicle while intoxicated because of drugs or alcohol. Sadly, these crashes can leave victims with painful injuries that permanently upend their lives. Because of the serious nature of  An auto accident that recently took place in Maryland left several people hurt. Law enforcement...
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  • Maryland drug courts explained

    May 2, 2017

    In Maryland, people who are arrested may have the option of going through drug court instead of the normal court. According to the National Institute of Justice, a  The court has four parts to it that any offender within the program must complete. Participants are placed on intensive probation supervision, which means regular meetings with a probation officer and consent to home visits and employment checks. The participants must also complete drug treatment and...
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  • Limiting your chances of slipping at work

    Apr 24, 2017

    Workers in Maryland face a number of slipping hazards throughout their work day. Whether it’s the elements icing up a parking lot or improperly-placed cables acting as a hurdle, the potential for falling or slipping accidents exist everywhere. This is why it’s so important for workers to know what actions they can take to limit their risks. Reliable Plant lists six guidelines that can be used to help  The National Safety Council has...
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  • How a criminal record may affect your future

    Apr 24, 2017

    If you have been charged with a crime, it is not just your immediate freedom that you should worry about. From school to employment to loans, there are many reasons you should be concerned about a criminal record. Currently, there are 44,000  What shows up on a criminal record that affects your chances for getting a job? If you apply for a job and you have a criminal record, your potential employer...
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  • Understanding the charges of and penalties for child pornography in Maryland

    Apr 21, 2017

    Sex crimes have such a negative connotation that being charged with one automatically leads to guilt in many people’s minds. Therefore, it’s extremely important to understand the definitions of sex crime charges. Charges involving child pornography are especially pernicious. As reported by, a 46-year-old former youth soccer coach was recently sentenced in federal court to 25 years in prison. Earlier he had pled guilty to using a pinhole camera to make videos of a...
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  • Firearm theft in Maryland

    Apr 20, 2017

    With several high-profile gun robberies in the news recently, many Maryland residents may not be surprised to learn Fox News reports that the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) found  ATF officials stated that Maryland has had the fourth-most burglaries of gun shops in the nation. In 2016 alone the Old Line State saw 38 instances of federally licensed firearm dealers having their shops broken into and guns stolen, and there are...
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  • Medical misdiagnosis: What you should know

    Apr 14, 2017

    If you are similar to many other Americans who seek medical attention in an emergency room or outpatient clinic setting, you expect to be treated by qualified professionals who will find out what is wrong with you and create some sort of treatment plan. Although this is the expected outcome of most doctors office visits, things do not always go as planned. A surprising number of people are misdiagnosed or do not receive a diagnosis...
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  • Do you qualify for expungement?

    Apr 6, 2017

    A criminal conviction or arrest record can follow you around for the rest of your life, making it difficult for you to find work, get a loan or even qualify for housing in Baltimore. It can also cause untold damage to your personal reputation should it be discovered by anyone other than those you feel comfortable knowing about it. If you have seen a  You’ll be pleased to know that it is through the...
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