- Maryland Sex Crimes: Nuns
Jan 17, 2019
It’s tragic when a revered, global religious institution fails to protect those who come to it seeking spiritual aid and comfort. Yet, while the Catholic Church is facing widespread allegations of sexual abuse by priests, One woman said she was 15 years old when she reported alleged abuse by her uncle, a priest, to a sister at a convent in New Jersey. The woman said the priest started sexually abusing her when she was...Read More - Maryland Driver Was Fully Advised of His Rights When Arrested for Drunk Driving, Court Says
Dec 14, 2018
Maryland’s top court has held that a Maryland driver was fully advised of the sanctions imposed upon him after he refused to take a breath test when he was suspected of drunk driving. “We hold that the DR-15 fully advises motorists of the length of time the ignition interlock is required in the event of test refusal or when a motorist has an alcohol concentration of .15 or higher,” the Court of Appeals said...Read More - Court Throws Out Baltimore Medical Malpractice Claim Because of Statute of Limitations
Dec 12, 2018
The statute of limitations is an important consideration in a legal action. It’s the deadline by which a lawsuit or charges have to be filed. Different types of civil cases have different statutes of limitations. In Maryland, the statute of limitations for filing a medical malpractice case is generally three years. A Baltimore medical malpractice attorney can, after obtaining the facts of your case, advise you of the deadline that applies to your Maryland...Read More - Lawsuits Over Background Checks Show Need for Expungement of Criminal Records
Dec 6, 2018
Recent lawsuits by workers fired after employer background checks, that in some instances revealed charges that were many years old or inaccurate, show how important it is to get criminal records in Maryland expunged. In one instance, a group of Amazon drivers have sued the e-commerce giant because they were fired when a strict background check discovered criminal charges that, some say, are minor and 10 years old. The criminal justice reform bill signed...Read More - Court Throws Out Evidence Resulting from Police Officer Leaning into Open Car Window
Nov 23, 2018
Maryland’s Court of Special Appeals recently threw out evidence obtained after a Baltimore City police officer leaned into an open car window after a traffic stop. The court said the evidence obtained after the officer leaned into the car and picked up a pill bottle should have been suppressed and ordered a new trial as to some of the charges made against a Baltimore driver. While on patrol in an unmarked vehicle, two Baltimore...Read More - Maryland Drivers Face Expanded Liability Under “Move Over Law,” “Block the Box”
Nov 22, 2018
Maryland drivers, dubbed the worst in the nation by Allstate Insurance, will see the expanded reach on Oct. 1 of a little-known law that requires drivers to slow down or to move to another lane when coming upon emergency, transportation, service and utility vehicles as well as waste and recycling vehicles that have their lights flashing. The law, which was originally meant to protect the occupants of emergency response and law enforcement vehicles conducting...Read More - New Law Makes It Illegal for Maryland Police Officers to Have Sex with People in Custody
Nov 21, 2018
A Prince George’s County police officer is facing rape and sexual assault charges after allegations surfaced that he ordered a woman in a car that he had pulled over for a traffic stop late one night to drive behind a nearby store for sexual purposes, the Baltimore Sun has reported. The officer was on duty in uniform and driving a police car. He left the scene after a woman who had been called by...Read More - Law Office of Thomas Maronick in Top 5 Fastest Growing Firms
Oct 12, 2018
The Law Office of Thomas Maronick Jr LLC has more than 40 total years of legal experience handling Thanks to the continued support of our clients, The Law Office of Thomas Maronick Jr LLC has been able to secure a high rank on the There are literally To learn more about Law Firm 500 and how it selects it honorees, please feel free to...Read More - Appeals Court Rejects Army Vet’s Attempt to Stay off Maryland Sex Offender Registry
Sep 17, 2018
A Maryland appeals court recently rejected an attempt by an Army veteran to avoid registering with the Maryland Sex Offender Registry. The man, a sergeant in the United States Army, was convicted under military law of two counts of abusive sexual contact involving a 17-year-old girl while he was stationed in Texas. He was ordered to a reduction in grade, confinement and forfeiture of all pay and allowances for five months. Upon his release,...Read More - Credit Card Fraud
Sep 10, 2018
What is the Penalty for Credit Card Fraud in Maryland? A Baltimore woman has been sentenced to four years in prison followed by five years of supervised release for crimes that stem from her use of counterfeit credit cards. According to her plea, from the winter of 2012 to July 2014, the woman and others created counterfeit credit cards, using stolen or otherwise compromised credit and debit card numbers belonging to others. They...Read More