- Facing a DWI Charge in Maryland?
Oct 2, 2017
Maryland takes impaired driving seriously. In fact, in October 2016, Maryland made There are two basic drunk driving charges in Maryland – DUI and DWI. This blog post focuses on Maryland DWI penalties. A previous blog post discussed Maryland DUI penalties. DWI stands for “driving while impaired.” A DWI can be charged when a driver’s blood alcohol is measured at .04% to .07%. Charging a DWI at the lower end of the...Read More - Study Says City Living is Safer than Country Living
Sep 10, 2017
Baltimore City and other big city residents might be a bit skeptical about the findings of this study; but, if you’re thinking about chucking city life for the peace and contentment of life far away from the maddening crowds, you might want to reconsider. You may be safer living in the city than the country, according to a study published in the Annals of Emergency Medicine. Researchers found that people living in densely populated...Read More - Falling Televisions Send a Child to the ER Every 30 Minutes
Aug 24, 2017
One of the most important appliances in a home these days is a television – or two. Flat screen television sets are quite popular. Their light weight makes it easy to put them in places where the older, heavier televisions did not fit. But, today’s sleek, sophisticated television sets may also present a hidden danger: Falling televisions send a child to the emergency room every 30 minutes, according to a study from the American Journal...Read More - What Are the Penalties in Maryland for Possession of An Unregulated Firearm?
Aug 14, 2017
Maryland’s gun laws are strict. They are among the toughest laws in the nation. Maryland regulates the sale, transfer, rent, and possession of regulated firearms. All private transfers of regulated firearms must be processed through a licensed dealer or designated law enforcement agency which must conduct a background check on the buyer. As governor, Martin O’Malley signed legislation in 2013 that banned the sale of most semiautomatic rifles and ammunition magazines holding more...Read More - Lawmakers Weigh Use of Technology to Cut Down on Auto Accidents Involving Distracted Drivers
Aug 8, 2017
Distracted driving is a problem. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has reported that more than 391,000 people were injured in distracted driving accidents in 2015. Maryland’s Motor Vehicle Administration has said there were 53,878 traffic crashes involving at least one distracted driver in Maryland from 2008 through 2012. Fatalities occurred in 229 of the accidents, while injuries resulted in 19,790 of the accidents, Maryland’s MVA has reported. Recent studies are beginning to...Read More - Three Common Types of Medical Malpractice Cases
Jul 24, 2017
Medical malpractice is a tragedy. More than 250,000 people die each year because of medical mistakes. This means that medical errors are one of the three leading causes of death in the United States – ranking behind cancer and heart disease. There are three common types of medical malpractice lawsuits – failure to make the correct diagnosis, birth injuries and medication errors. In this blog, we discuss these medical errors in order to help...Read More - US Supreme Court Strikes Down State Law that Restricted Sex Offender Access to Social Media
Jul 17, 2017
In one of the first cases to be taken up by the U.S. Supreme Court addressing the First Amendment and the Internet, the nation’s top court recently reversed a state law that prohibited sex offenders from using social media such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc. Forbidding access to social media prevents the user from engaging in the legitimate exercise of First Amendment rights, the court said. “Even convicted criminals—and in some instances especially...Read More - Patients may leave the OR with a surgical souvenir
May 15, 2017
Although surgical staff must follow special protocol to ensure all equipment is accounted for prior to, during and following a procedure, medical mistakes continue to occur. Updated technology is available to operating rooms across the country. However, many institutions are still at fault for leaving surgical items behind in patients’ incision sites. At least 4,000 times every year, patients leave the operating room with The most frequent object left behind in patients are surgical...Read More - Maryland accident leaves several hurt
May 13, 2017
Traffic accidents take place for all sorts of reasons. Sometimes, they happen because a driver is drowsy or distracted by their cell phone. In other cases, drivers may be operating a vehicle while intoxicated because of drugs or alcohol. Sadly, these crashes can leave victims with painful injuries that permanently upend their lives. Because of the serious nature of An auto accident that recently took place in Maryland left several people hurt. Law enforcement...Read More - Maryland drug courts explained
May 2, 2017
In Maryland, people who are arrested may have the option of going through drug court instead of the normal court. According to the National Institute of Justice, a The court has four parts to it that any offender within the program must complete. Participants are placed on intensive probation supervision, which means regular meetings with a probation officer and consent to home visits and employment checks. The participants must also complete drug treatment and...Read More