- Baltimore City Resident Sues Over Flooded Basement
Apr 10, 2018
This winter, where Baltimore City and Baltimore County residents saw a lengthy period of subzero temperatures, water pipes burst all over the city and many residents experienced flooded basements. One neighborhood in Baltimore even achieved “viral video” status with the widespread viewing of a burst water pipe that coated most of the neighborhood in ice. As a general rule, a municipality has a duty to maintain its public works in good condition. However, that...Read More - What is the Age of Consent in Maryland?
Mar 28, 2018
When a former Alabama judge and would-be politician recently made a run for a seat in Congress, several women came forward with tales of being approached romantically by the man when they were teenagers. Among other conversations prompted by revelations of the women – most of whom said they were teenagers when they had been approached by the man at places including a nearby shopping mall — the nation was engaged in questions about the...Read More - Maryland Sex Crimes – Rape Accusations
Mar 7, 2018
When basketball star Kobe Bryant recently received an Oscar for a short, animated film, the award brought up memories of the 2003 accusations of rape and sexual assault brought against him by a Colorado hotel employee. Maryland takes sex crimes seriously, one of the worst sex crimes of which to be accused is rape. Rape is characterized as a violent offense in the same category as murder, robbery, carjacking and kidnapping. Rape involves non-consensual...Read More - Attorney Thomas Maronick Jr. Receives Avvo Client’s Choice Award For 2018
Feb 2, 2018
2018 Avvo Client’s Choice Winner Attorney Maronick Jr. Avvo is an incredibly popular and high-regarded organization that rates, reviews, and reward legal professionals from all across the United States. Gauging their experience, case successes, professionalism, and a number of other important traits expected of an attorney, Avvo rates each practicing lawyer on a scale from 1 to 10, with 10 being the most excellent. Avvo also allows everyday people who have used the services...Read More - Court Rejects Mother’s Attempt to Change Paternity When Man Discovered Not to Be Child’s Father
Jan 24, 2018
Most Maryland Early Stages of the Case “In looking at this case, we find ourselves in an improbable hall of mirrors in which the customary roles are eerily reversed. Maryland Code, Family Law Article, Sect. 5–1028 provides for an ‘Affidavit of parentage.’ The appellant, Samantha Boone, however, invokes it to ask for a declaration of non-parentage. It is frequently the unwed mother who seeks to establish the paternity of the biological father in...Read More - Construction Worker Who Said He Was Not Authorized to Work in U.S. Ordered to Pay Child Support
Jan 17, 2018
In a court case dealing with the question of failure to pay Early Stages of the Case The appeal concerns Ricardo Dillon’s failure to pay child support to Lynita Miller for their daughter. Dillon and Miller never married and never resided in the same household, the appeals court noted. After Miller filed a Complaint for Support with the Anne Arundel Office of Child Support Enforcement, the Magistrate recommended that Dillon pay child...Read More - What Can I Keep In a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy?
Jan 10, 2018
What Can I Keep In a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy? | The Law Offices of Thomas Maronick Jr. LLC For an individual, there are two types of bankruptcy – a Chapter 7, which is a liquidation, and a Chapter 13, which is a reorganization of debts. The names come from the part of the federal bankruptcy code that provides information and requirements for both legal proceedings. Bankruptcy involves both federal and state law. ...Read More - What Are the Debts That Can’t Be Discharged in a Maryland Bankruptcy?
Jan 3, 2018
What Are the Debts That Can’t Be Discharged in a Maryland Bankruptcy? | The Law Offices of Thomas Maronick Jr. LLC Many debts can be discharged during a Chapter 7 liquidation Dischargeable Debts Debts that can be discharged Credit Card Debt Medical Bills Lawsuit Judgments Against You Most Debts Arising From Car Accidents Obligations Under Leases and Contracts Personal Loans and more Nondischargeable Debts ...Read More - What Are the Damages Available After a Maryland Auto Accident Claim?
Dec 29, 2017
What Are the Damages Available After a Maryland Auto Accident Claim? | The Law Office of Thomas Maronick Jr LLC Auto accidents What Am I Responsible For? Basically, the plaintiff in an auto accident is entitled to reimbursement for all of the costs and expenses resulting from the accident. The reimbursement – called damages – exists to put the party that did not cause the accident in the same position they would...Read More - Heating Oil Company’s One-Year Limitation on Lawsuits Only Good in Certain Circumstances, Court Says
Dec 4, 2017
With winter fast approaching, many Maryland homeowners are tuning up their furnaces and, for those who heat with oil, getting heating oil delivered for the cold temperatures ahead. But mishaps can occur. In two recent instances, Maryland homeowners have been forced to deal with issues and inconvenience stemming from mistakes made by Baltimore’s energy companies. In a recent court case that went all the way to the state’s highest court, the Court of Appeals...Read More