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Poisonings in Maryland

Poisoning is the leading cause of death in people under 44. While household chemicals most commonly poison children, adult poisoning is often drug-related. There are many types of poisoning, so you will want to know the different types and how to react.

Food poisoning

Food poisoning usually causes an upset stomach, cramps, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and fever. It can happen when a person eats undercooked meat or poultry, needs to follow safe food-handling guidelines, or eats chemically treated fruits and vegetables without washing them first.

Household chemicals

You may regularly use antifreeze, motor oil, latex paint, batteries, all-purpose cleaners, bleach or pesticides around your home, but they can all cause poisoning. This is especially true if you mix two or more of them. Different chemicals will cause unique symptoms, including trouble breathing, sudden behavioral changes, vomiting and drooling.

Alcohol poisoning

If a person drinks too much, it can cause alcohol poisoning. About 2,200 people die from alcohol poisoning in the United States annually. About 76% of them are men. These deaths occur when high alcohol blood content in the body causes vital organs to shut down.

Drug poisoning

Drug poisoning can cause body organs to no longer function properly. On average, 240 people die daily from drug poisoning. About 69% of these deaths happen in men. Opioids are the most abused drug. Nurses can be poisoned while administering drugs and claim workers’ compensation.


Only eat a plant if you know what it is and it is a safe food source. In addition to poison oak, ivy and sumac, which can make you break out if you come in contact with them, some plants can make you sick if you ingest them, like rhododendrons, wisteria, lilies and oleanders. Some plants grown indoors can cause you to develop gastrointestinal symptoms if ingested. They include English ivy, daffodils, poinsettias and philodendrons.

If you suspect someone you know has been poisoned, you should seek help for them immediately. It can be a life-threatening condition where seconds count.