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Tips to avoid a DUI while vacationing In Ocean City

Ocean City’s 10-mile stretch of beach and bustling boardwalk attract thousands of tourists annually. As you gear up to soak in its coastal charm, it’s crucial to know that local law enforcement is always on high alert for drunk drivers.

Respecting the rules of the road in Maryland may spare you from legal troubles that could follow you back home.

DUI risks for out-of-state tourists

It can be easy to let your guard down while enjoying what Ocean City has to offer. However, a momentary lapse in judgment and driving after drinking can lead to an arrest, overshadowing your vacation. If an officer suspects you’re driving under the influence, they can stop you for a field sobriety or breathalyzer test.

Refusing the test or registering a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) above 0.08 may lead to DUI charges. You’ll face Maryland’s legal system, potentially including a court hearing. Although Maryland cannot act on your out-of-state license directly, it can suspend your driving rights within its borders. Moreover, Maryland can report the offense to your home state through the Driver License Compact (DLC). Upon return, you may face DUI penalties in your home state, such as fines, license suspension or mandatory educational programs.

To avoid tainting your vacation memories, consider taking practical steps such as drinking responsibly and allowing a sober driver to take you places.

What to do if you are arrested

Should you face DUI charges in Ocean City as a tourist, consider enlisting an experienced attorney familiar with local proceedings and laws. A DUI conviction has significant implications, but acting quickly and obtaining legal guidance may help lessen the impact.

There’s much to enjoy in Ocean City without risking driving under the influence. Let the only souvenirs you take home be warm memories, not legal complications.