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Victims of sexual abuse have legal options

Too many Marylanders have been abused sexually by people who they and their families thought could be trusted.

Over the years, Glen Burnie residents have probably heard stories of clergy, teachers, childcare providers, youth volunteers and other professionals using their positions of trust to get access to children and underage minors and criminally take advantage of them.

When this sort of behavior comes to light, the perpetrator is likely to face criminal penalties, which can include a lengthy stay in prison.

While a criminal sentence may give the victim and her family a sense of closure, the criminal justice system is not designed to make sure victims get full compensation for the physical and emotional losses.

In some sense, it does the opposite since a convicted sex offender may be imprisoned for a long time and totally unable to find a job upon her release.

Employers have an obligation to supervise their workers

Public, not-for-profit and for-profit employers, including schools and churches, for example, have an obligation to hire and supervise their employees carefully.

Among other things, this means having a thorough application process which would include a background investigation. It also means having, and enforcing, workplace policies and standards, including standards designed to prevent even accusations of sexual misconduct.

Moreover, if an unsafe trait in an employee comes to light, the organization has an obligation to take appropriate steps, including terminating the troublesome employee.

If an organization fails in these responsibilities, then it is fair to say that the organization is responsible if a child or vulnerable person gets sexually abused by an employee.

Victims should not hesitate to evaluate their legal option to pursue their perpetrator’s place of employment, as doing so could be the best way to get full compensation.