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What are the financial consequences of a DUI?

When it comes to drunk driving, your first thought may be of the legal repercussions you might have to contend with if the law catches up to you.

However, the consequences of driving under the influence (DUI) could go beyond legal ones. It can impact many parts of your life, such as your personal finances.

How a DUI can affect your finances

Drunk driving may affect your life in more ways than one, and none of them are positive. Consider the potential effects a charge could have on your financial situation:

  • Fines: If the authorities convict you of a DUI, you may have to pay fines and even spend some time behind bars.

  • Medical bills: If you get into a serious car accident as a result of drunk driving, there is a chance that you will sustain serious injuries, possibly leading to hefty medical bills.

  • Damage repair: On the topic of crashes, you could damage your car or even total it, which can be costly to repair. Furthermore, it is possible that a crash damages other people’s property, which they might try to seek compensation for.

  • Professional reputation: DUIs can appear in background checks. As a result, your career prospects or educational ambitions in Maryland may suffer, which can directly impact your financial well-being. Your workplace may even require you to inform them of an incident that could impact your employment status. Meanwhile, a DUI may also hinder future attempts to apply for loans.

All of these factors can add up and jeopardize your financial situation. It is important to know that while a DUI charge can affect the way you live, you do not have to let it destroy you. You can be proactive in protecting your liberties and seek legal guidance.