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What are the penalties in Maryland for indecent exposure?

Ocean City, Maryland is an oceanside resort town. Sometimes, while on vacation, people have a bit too much too drink and do things they normally wouldn’t do such as expose themselves to others.

It can be surprising who is facing such charges. A Cecil County prosecutor was charged with indecent exposure and disorderly conduct. Officers responded to a report of a nude man on a balcony at an Ocean City, Maryland hotel.

He was sentenced to 18 months of supervised probation, ordered to pay a $1,000 fine, undergo mental health counseling and perform 100 days of community service. He was not required to serve jail time unless he failed to follow the guidelines of his probation.

In a more recent incident, two women from upstate New York were arrested in Ocean City for indecent exposure after one was seen swimming naked in a private pool and the other repeatedly flashed her private area to officers.

The penalties for indecent exposure under Maryland law, include:

  • Up to three years of jail time and

  • A fine up to $1,000 and

  • Possible registration as a sex offender

Penalties may increase if the person has been convicted of indecent exposure multiple times. The judge could also add more jail time and fines if the suspect has been convicted of other sex crimes.

The punishment for indecent exposure could be even more severe in certain circumstances if a bill currently under consideration by the state’s legislature becomes law. Lawmakers are mulling over a proposal that would increase the penalties for those convicted of indecent exposure when the target is a child.

The bill would increase sanctions for those who intentionally expose themselves to a minor to as many as 5 years of jail time and up to $10,000 in fines.

The legislation reportedly has bipartisan support.

Prosecutors must prove that the defendant exposed their genitals in public or in the presence of another person who is not their spouse and that the defendant acted intentionally.

There are several challenges that can be offered by those facing allegations of indecent exposure in Ocean City, Maryland. Defenses include:

  • Lack of intent or

  • Mistaken identity or

  • False accusation

If you are facing charges over indecent exposure, an Ocean City indecent exposure lawyer can help. The attorneys at Maronick Law LLC have experience with Annapolis, Baltimore, Essex, Ocean City, Towson, White Marsh indecent exposure matters.

Maronick Law LLC is open during the pandemic and continues to meet your legal needs. We can meet with you remotely if you have access to Zoom. You can contact Thomas Maronick on his cellphone at 202.288.0167, the law office at 410.244.5068 or via our website for a free consultation.