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What is probable cause for a DWI in Maryland?

When a Glen Burnie area resident is pulled over for a DUI they can be scared and uncertain about their future. Everyone knows that a DUI is serious business and a conviction can be life-altering. One common defense for a drunk driving accusation is an officer didn’t have probable cause to pull someone over. But what does probable cause mean?

Reasonable suspicion

In order for a police officer to pull someone over they must have reasonable suspicion. Reasonable suspicion means that an officer observed some sort of violation of the law. Some common reasons why a Maryland driver may be pulled over include:

  • Swerving

  • Weaving

  • Erratic braking

  • Driving above or below speed limit

  • Drifting into other lanes

  • Driving without headlights on

  • Unexplained slowing or stopping

  • Being reported by another driver

Once an officer has pulled someone over for suspicion of drunk driving they need probable cause to arrest the person. This can be a field sobriety test, slurred speech, bloodshot eyes, or an alcohol odor or open containers.

Professional representation

If a person is facing a DWI they may want to speak with a legal professional who is skilled in criminal defense. An attorney understands that their client is facing a serious situation and will do whatever they can to have the charges reduced or thrown out. An attorney understands that a DUI conviction can lead to license revocation, thousands of dollars in fines, jail time, and a ruined reputation. When everything is on the line a defendant understands that they do have legal rights.