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Who bears the liability in a rideshare accident?

Rideshare companies remain a popular mode of transportation. Forecasts project that the global rideshare market will continue to grow.

Companies offering rideshare services are convenient and easy to use, so it is no wonder that so many make use of their services. However, the drivers have not all trained in defensive driving courses, and that, combined with the natural dangers of the road, means that rideshare drivers have their fair share of accidents. The question then arises, who bears financial and legal responsibility in a Glen Burnie wreck involving a rideshare driver?

It is all about the fault

The liability falls on the individual responsible for the accident and his or her insurer. If it is the rideshare driver’s fault, the rideshare company’s insurance company generally covers associated costs. How much it covers depends on whether there were passengers in the rideshare vehicle. If there were, most rideshare providers offer up to a million dollars of coverage for property damage and bodily injury combined. If no passengers were in the vehicle, the insurer generally only covers up to an amount less than this for bodily harm and property damage separately. The same applies if the driver was en route to pick up a customer.

On-duty or off-duty matters

If the rideshare driver is not working when he or she has an accident, then the rideshare company’s insurance bears no responsibility. Instead, if the driver is responsible for the incident, his or her personal insurance covers the damages.

Individuals injured in a wreck involving a rideshare driver have the option of filing for compensation from the rideshare company. However, because the companies often classify drivers as independent contractors instead of employees, they may not be able to sue the companies directly.