Domestic Violence Attorneys in Glen Burnie, MD Committed to Your Defense in Anne Arundel County, Baltimore County, Montgomery County, and Throughout Maryland

When facing the consequences of any type of alleged domestic violence, you need legal assistance immediately. Both civil and criminal proceedings can have serious implications for your future. The Maryland domestic violence lawyers at Maronick Law LLC recognize just how much is at stake in both civil and criminal proceedings, and we’re prepared to provide the strong defense you need.
Legal representation you can rely on begins with a free, confidential consultation. Contact us today to retain skilled domestic violence attorneys in Glen Burnie, MD, who are ready to stand by you.
How to Fight Domestic Violence Charges in Maryland
Matters of domestic violence in Maryland can include both civil domestic violence proceedings and criminal charges. It’s essential that your Maryland domestic violence lawyers take a strong stance on both aspects of your case. Anything said in a civil domestic violence hearing can subsequently be used in criminal cases, and the consequences of even a civil domestic violence proceeding could restrict your freedom.
You need to fight the domestic violence case against you with everything you’ve got, including seasoned Maryland domestic violence lawyers.
Civil Domestic Proceedings in Maryland
Civil domestic violence proceedings in Maryland may involve the alleged victim seeking a protective order against you. If granted, a protective order may establish restrictions such as the following:
- No contact with the accuser
- Prohibition of returning to a shared home
- Restrictions on going to certain places, such as your accuser’s workplace or school
- Restrictions on seeing any shared children if your accuser is awarded temporary custody
A no-contact order may affect your life in ways beyond simply not reaching out to the protected party. If you and the party with whom you’re restricted from contact coincidentally end up at the same event, retail store, or other environment, you may have to leave to avoid facing harsh criminal penalties, even if your presence there had nothing to do with your accuser. Violating a protective order, even if your presence in the vicinity of your accuser was unintentional and you are not interacting with this person in any way, is a crime that could send you to prison.
Just because someone petitions the court to file a protective order against you doesn’t mean one is automatically granted. There is a legal process for granting protective orders, during which you can have Maryland domestic violence lawyers like Maronick Law LLC defend you and argue your case for challenging the petition.
Criminal Domestic Violence Charges
It’s possible to have a protective order sought against you without being criminally charged with a domestic violence offense. However, as your accuser must allege that some form of abuse occurred that justifies the granting of a protective order, it’s not uncommon that criminal charges arise out of the same allegations that gave rise to the protective order.
The evidence and arguments presented against you in civil domestic violence proceedings can also be presented in the criminal case against you.
Criminal charges that pertain to domestic violence situations include:
- Assault
- Rape or sexual offense
- Stalking
- Harassment
- Robbery
- False imprisonment
Assault and other crimes that allegedly occur in the context of domestic violence in Maryland are handled by specially trained prosecutors in a domestic violence unit. Like instances of the same offense that do not involve family members or intimate partners, criminal charges for these violations can be filed at different levels of severity. Some domestic violence crimes are misdemeanors, but many, especially those that involve significant injuries to the alleged victim, are felony offenses.
Penalties for domestic violence crimes depend on the specific violation and degree with which you are charged. In general, a conviction of a domestic violence-related offense can result in fines, probation, and jail time. You need to take these charges and their potential consequences seriously, even if you fully believe that the allegations against you are false or exaggerated. A strong defense provided by experienced domestic violence attorneys in Glen Burnie, MD, is essential for minimizing the impact these charges can have on your future.
How Maronick Law LLC Can Help
The Maryland domestic violence lawyers at Maronick Law LLC defend clients against both criminal charges and civil protective order filings. We’re committed to ensuring the accused receive the fair treatment they’re entitled to under the law and advocating for the best interests of every client we serve.
Defenses to Domestic Violence Charges
Violent crimes, specifically those involving domestic violence, are highly stigmatized. You need to put your best foot forward with a strategic defense backed by compelling evidence and solid legal arguments.
Our domestic violence attorneys in Glen Burnie, MD, craft individualized defense strategies for every client based on the specific facts of their unique situation. You can count on us to explore every potential defense argument that may apply to your situation. Possible lines of defense we might consider include:
- False accusations, such as mistaken identity and victim dishonesty or exaggeration
- Injuries arising out of other causes, such as accidents, acts of self-defense, or violence inflicted by another party
- Improper procedures for evidence collection and arrest, such as constitutional rights violations, illegal search and seizure, police errors, and violation of due process
- Insufficient evidence that fails to establish guilt beyond reasonable doubt, as is required for a conviction in Maryland
Our goal in presenting any of these arguments or any other legal defense is to achieve the most beneficial outcome possible for your situation. Depending on the case against you, that might mean seeking to get all of the charges dropped, get serious charges reduced to less severe charges, or get improperly obtained evidence suppressed. We will help you understand the risks and benefits of negotiating a plea deal compared to taking your case to trial, so you can make an informed decision about how to proceed with your case.
Why Choose Maronick Law LLC?
To preserve your rights and protect your future, you need a team of attorneys ready to address all issues involved in your domestic violence case.
Extensive Legal Experience
At Maronick Law LLC, our lawyers have more than 80 years of collective legal experience. We’ve confronted challenges of all kinds and helped our clients overcome them, and we draw from this wealth of experience as we manage all aspects of your domestic violence case.
Full-Service Representation for Civil and Criminal Domestic Violence Issues
Your civil domestic violence proceedings may be a separate case from any criminal charges you’re facing, but both legal matters can pose significant consequences and impact each other. Maronick Law LLC is prepared to confront all civil and criminal issues involved in your domestic violence case.
Compassionate Client Service
When you’ve been accused of domestic violence and are facing criminal charges, a civil protective order hearing, and the significant impact such allegations can have on your reputation, you can feel like you’re facing this conflict alone. Our attorneys recognize that you deserve to have your side of the story heard, and we’re committed to approaching your case with the utmost compassion for the ordeal you’re going through.
Contact the Maryland Domestic Violence Lawyers at Maronick Law LLC Today for a Free Case Evaluation
Don’t wait to take action when accused of domestic violence in any form, whether in a criminal matter, a civil matter, or both. The sooner you enlist the help of experienced domestic violence defense lawyers, the more we can do to investigate and prepare your case for a favorable outcome and reduce the stress that can accompany the legal process.
For help from domestic violence attorneys in Glen Burnie, MD, contact Maronick Law LLC online or call 443-351-6657 today.