Workplace Shoulder, Back, and Spine Injury Attorneys in Glen Burnie, MD Providing Legal Assistance for Shoulder, Back, and Spine Injury Cases in Anne Arundel County, Baltimore County, Montgomery County, and Throughout Maryland
Many jobs require lifting and pushing, operating heavy machinery or working in a space with spills or uneven flooring. Whether you are using your shoulder the wrong way or suffer a slip-and-fall, you can sustain a number of shoulder, back or spinal cord injuries on the job, from mild sprains to permanent disabilities such as paralysis.
If you suffered a shoulder, back or spinal cord injury while on the job, our experienced team of Maryland Workplace Spinal Cord Injury Lawyers at Maronick Law LLC are here to help you. Serving clients throughout Maryland, you can trust our experience in helping our clients get the compensation they deserve.

Injured & Have Questions? We Can Help.
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443-351-6657Workers’ Compensation Disability Benefits In Maryland
Maryland has four types of disability benefits for injured workers under workers’ compensation laws. Each one offers varying degrees of financial support, and some provide alternative work accommodations if necessary. Our Workplace Maryland Workplace Spinal Cord Injury Lawyers will fight for your right to compensation if you injured your shoulder, back or spinal cord.
Temporary Disability Benefits
Temporary disability benefits apply to injured workers who have suffered a non-permanent disability. Temporary total disability benefits are payments for employees who are entirely unable to work for a period of time because of their injury but who will recover eventually. A worker receiving these benefits receives two-thirds of their average weekly wage.
Temporary partial disability benefits apply during recovery if you are not totally disabled. The employer or insurer pays you compensation equal to 50% of the difference between your average weekly wage and your wage-earning capacity. TPD often applies to workers recovering from less severe injuries, such as a broken shoulder.
Permanent Disabilities
Workers with more severe injuries, from partial impairments to injuries that prevent them from working again, may be eligible for permanent disability benefits. Maryland laws classify individuals as totally and permanently disabled if they lose the use of both arms, eyes, hands, feet or legs, or any two body parts combined. It also applies to injuries resulting from spinal trauma, such as paralysis.
These injuries typically prevent a worker from maintaining employment in the future and make the worker eligible for permanent total disability benefits. Under permanent total disability benefits, you are qualified to receive two-thirds of your average weekly wage, up to the state’s maximum of $1,080.
Permanent partial disability benefits apply to workers who may be able to work again but still have a permanent impairment due to their injuries. This often applies to workers who suffer hearing loss or diminished mobility. PPD is paid out across a period that varies depending on the injury’s severity and the injured body part.
We Will Get You What You Need To Recover
When you have an on-the-job injury that limits your ability to work, you can obtain compensation that will help you on your road to recovery. A shoulder, back or spinal injury should never be ignored, especially if you were injured at work.
Contact our experienced Workplace Shoulder, Back, and Spine Injury Attorneys in Glen Burnie, MD today to schedule a free consultation at 443-351-6657 or via the online form.